Voluntary certification of programmers in the Work service - page 9


Read carefully and you will get the right impression, or even better open a profile, I myself write to order in this service. ;)

Regarding the service of preparing TOR - this is offtop, but still answer. If the client can not do this, the TOR should be made by the one who will write the Expert Advisor and no other way. Otherwise, you will get a chain: the customer - TK writer - programmer, with all that follows: the drafter misunderstood, the customer wanted to sleep and did not check the TK, the programmer does not want to rewrite, because he completed all the TK.

This chain is quite workable, but on the condition that each link will not shift responsibility.

The customer places the order as he sees (understands), the Task Manager takes over the order as a contractor, make up a competent TOR and places the order (or orders) to programmers (those are now acting as the customer). All responsibilities are preserved, everything will work.

But the topic will be relevant from 1K, when the order is sufficiently complex and voluminous, otherwise it is not worth the trouble.


Well, while I'm at it, I'll be checking spelling and punctuation at the stage of transferring the terms of reference from the client to the senior assistant to the junior deputy draftsman.

And this whole organizational thing............. we'll call it teamwork.


I will be checking spelling and punctuation at the stage of transferring the pre-TOR from the client to the TOR's author, if that's what it takes.

And this whole organizational thing............. let's call it teamwork.

+ add pictures to the mix.

Who's going to eat the candy?

Who's going to bend the customer's fingers?

Who's going to eat the candy?

the girl from the teddy bear commercial
Already. :)
Nah, but you've got to make up your mind or there'll be a fight later.
Who's gonna eat the candy?

And there will be no candy. It'll all go down the whistle.

But there will be teamwork.


I would pay closer attention to rating both performers and customers.

The poor - the rating system works on forums, payment systems, banks... even trader accounts are visible to the broker with ratings.

Probably that makes sense, the other question is the rating criteria, this question should be taken seriously at the initial stage,

The rating criteria - it is like a good TOR for a programmer when executing an order - the criteria determine the stability of the service, its self-development in the future and how much time in the future we will have to devote to this service.

I agree, someone wrote above, nowadays there is not a very large sample of users, and not only among customers, but also among programmers, especially...

You need to lay the foundation, if you grow, and then you will have to change the foundation...... I don't know, it's trivial..... well - and not profitable for sure.


In fact, many clients find it difficult to reveal their secrets even to a single performer,

But necessity forces it, and making his idea available to the team is out of the question.

The customer's pipe dream is to describe the order in such a way that everything works as it should, but not to disclose the idea.


I would pay closer attention to ranking both performers - and customers.

Yes yes . And for customers to introduce a greed factor. If the request is less than 25 $, the coefficient = 0.