Interesting and Humour - page 4974

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Four children are chosen for the experiment: three know the rules of the experiment beforehand, and the fourth - the only test person - has no idea what it is all about. Two pyramids are placed in front of the children - one black and one white. Trained children are warned that in any situation it is necessary to say that both pieces are white, even if they are not. Therefore, when the facilitator asks: "What colour are the pyramids?", they take turns answering that the pyramids are white. The turn comes to the fourth participant. As a rule all examinees agreed with the opinion of the majority and also confidently said that the figures were white, but then admitted that they answered that way because of the words of the other children.

The case was quite different. Guests were gathering for the party. The entertainer suggested a joke on the next one. When he walked in, everyone pointed their fingers at him, squealed and made faces. When he asked a surprised question, they explained that that was the way everyone was greeted. And he too put out a finger, squealed and made a face at the next guest. And what is it with him, asks the guest. Everyone shrugs their shoulders in surprise.

The next joke was with a crystal plate glued to the ceiling...

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

A similar experiment was conducted with adults. Despite experience, education and intelligence, the subjects most often succumbed to the majority opinion and also referred to both pyramids as white.

This classic test of suggestibility showed that a person can change his or her own opinion or deliberately distort a real situation under the influence of the majority opinion. All this, for the most part, happens because people do not want to be different from others and aspire to be 'their own' in the group.

as relevant as ever...

and sadly...

Crowd psychology...

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

...// Based on all of the above, it is not worth debating who has what opinion at all, especially if people watch different news, it is better to engage in your own development, family, hobbies, books, sports.

This is idealism in its purest form. Life is much more complicated. If you live like that and avoid politics, sooner or later politics will take over you. One day a man with a machine gun will come to you and force you to do what he demands, even though you don't want to do it at all. It is this passive attitude of the majority, of withdrawing into a small world, that allows the more active minority to seize power and impose their world view on the passive majority. History is replete with examples of this.



khorosh #:

This is idealism in its purest form. Life is more complicated than that.

Well, complicated is complicated.


It seems the fake "brokers" were based in Riga:

В ходе следствия было установлено, что потенциальных жертв преступники "обрабатывали" по телефону с целью ввести в заблуждения, а затем заставить их инвестировать в поддельные финансовые платформы. Таким образом "финансовые брокеры" вынуждали клиентов вкладывать свои деньги в несуществующие финансовые инструменты.
Specific platforms are not mentioned, though, and the police are unlikely to tell me. )
ВИДЕО. Полиция в ходе масштабной операции обезвредила в Латвии банду телефонных мошенников: в нее входили более 80 человек
ВИДЕО. Полиция в ходе масштабной операции обезвредила в Латвии банду телефонных мошенников: в нее входили более 80 человек
  • 2022.03.29
Сотрудники Госполиции при содействии своих коллег из Литвы, а также Европола и Евроюста в ходе масштабной международной операции 24 марта задержали в Латвии и Литве организованную преступную группировку, занимавшуюся телефонным мошенничеством в крупных размерах. Также в операции были задействованы сотрудники различных подразделений Рижского...

for some reason yandex decided to advertise office paper to me...

in one day, the rate of "paper_snowmaiden/ruble" dropped by 30% from 1000r to 690r :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

for some reason yandex decided to advertise office paper to me...

in one day the rate of "paper_snowmaiden/ruble" fell by 30% from 1000r to 690r :-)

1000 papers for 1 ruble?)))

Andrey Dik #:

1000 papers for 1 ruble?))

Probably 500 papers for 690 roubles. ;)

No such prices on Ozone yet, though.



(He can stop a horse on the move and go into a burning house)).

Let's also remember the anime guys who chased the cops to get their picture taken with them.