Interesting and Humour - page 4972

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

it's humour, it's funny)))

There's only part of the joke in every joke. And more often than not, a very small part.

Alexey Viktorov #:

It's an outright provocation, and you believe it...

That's it, I'm calling my friend, I'm calling off the wedding.

// apparently the lack of emoticons in the replies is taken as agreement with the information


There seems to be some kind of state programme - a teacher in a village. It's a lakhs of money for the house. You don't need a basic pedagogical education.
From this day forward, the last iPhone is the one you have now.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:
As of this day, the last iPhone is the one you have now.

5S But that was clear eight years ago. No one I know has had an iPhone in the last couple of years. A hundred for a phone with a 12MPX camera is not serious.

// If you don't buy a phone because of the camera, the answer is that a hundred for a ringtone is not serious.


Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

// apparently the lack of emoticons in responses is perceived as agreement with the information


You see Vitaly, if there was a suggestion to the government, it would really be a joke. But there is idiocy on behalf of the Prime Minister. That's not funny, it's an insult... Can you tell the difference?

Alexey Viktorov #:

You see, Vitaly, if there had been a proposal to the government, it would really have been a joke. But there's idiocy in the name of the chairman of the government. And that's not funny, that's an insult... Can you tell the difference?

I don't get what this has to do with me, but the fact that the info is fake is clear at a glance, as are Statham's quotes. And as for politics, governments, it's a taboo topic on many sites now and is strictly moderated, including here.

It's the right thing to do. Mutual respect for the working subject of the site is an important component.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

5S But that was clear eight years ago. No one I know has had an iPhone in the last couple of years. A hundred for a phone with a 12MPX camera is not serious.

// If they don't buy a phone because of the camera the answer is a hundred for a ringtone, it's not serious.

There's a song on the theme fresh from Sergei Shnurovka, "Goodbye elite".
The problems with the iPhone are what they care about.
Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

5S But that was clear eight years ago. No one I know has had an iPhone in the last couple of years. A hundred for a phone with a 12MPX camera is not serious.

// If you don't buy a phone because of the camera, the answer is that a hundred for a phoner is not serious.

Five more years and a regular Chinese Mimah, which recently cost 15, will cost a hundred.
So it's time to buy a new smartphone.
Although perhaps it's time to buy a regular phone :)
There is another advantage, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not be stuck in a smartphone :)

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

I don't understand what this has to do with me.

Yes, because you quoted me as saying your opinion. That's all.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

As for politics, governments, it's a taboo subject on many websites nowadays and it's strictly moderated, including here.

That's right.

And I started talking about it so that moderators would pay attention and delete the provocative post, along with my and your statements. But they're all up to ...............