Interesting and Humour - page 4267

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Are vineyards on the list ?

Didn't see any on the list on the website, maybe happy Rockefeller socks instead of vineyards ?))


Alcohol advertising is now back on TV... If you have to, but you can't, you can.

If they promote paedophilia, a commercial with a baby doll won't count either, it's not real, is it?

It's clear that it's non-alcoholic and it's clear that advertising is geared towards selling alcohol. The main thing is to advertise the class of the product and its brand. And the teenager's brain will find by itself what alcohol can be taken when choosing in a shop, the benefit there is non-alcoholic 1% and in drinking the other 99 there is room to roam.

The main brands must have chipped in their change and pushed through the law, giving money to whoever needed it.


This news makes me particularly sad. It seems to be said that we are developing, "have" machinery and technology. Why are others building, where are the jobs for their own people?

Can't we extract it ourselves? Why not our companies? Japan does not have its own resources, but even they have newer technology. Ours live on the pipe, and do not even bother to think about this sector in science, so they can mine it themselves. Right, why bother feeding our own people, we can order them and they will do it.

After all, in addition to the development of mining technology they have to develop engineering, and that is the need to raise the entire science. But there is no need for that. Yamal, and many others, have been working with foreigners for a long time already. Other countries produce their own oil. We have foreign companies almost everywhere, Achimgaz-Germans, Shlumy backers (I think the Liburtones have bought them out now) and others.

And who are they bullshitting about sanctions? Everyone is still working on raw materials for export, but they rubbish about the ban on tomatoes and cheeses for the sake of appearance.


This news makes me particularly sad. It seems to be said that we are developing, "have" machinery and technology. Why are others building, where are the jobs for their own people?

Can't we extract it ourselves? Why not our companies? Japan does not have its own resources, but even they have newer technology. Ours live on the pipe, and do not even bother to think about this sector in science, so they can mine it themselves. Right, why bother to feed theirs, they can order it and it will be done.

After all, in addition to the development of mining technology they have to develop engineering, and that is the need to raise the entire science. But there is no need for that. Yamal, and many others, have been working with foreigners for a long time already. Other countries produce their own oil. We have foreign companies almost everywhere, Achimgaz-Germans, Shlumy backers (I think the Liburtones have bought them out now) and others.

And who are they bullshitting about sanctions? Everyone is still working on raw materials for export, and they rubbish about the ban on tomatoes and cheeses for show.

There is mutual interest everywhere, don't worry...

They build here, ours there and more.


Yura Zaitsev, keep on burning.

Renat Akhtyamov:

The interest is mutual everywhere, don't worry...

They build here, ours there and more.


Yura Zaitsev, keep on burning, I'm under the table.

Do they build a lot in developed countries? What can you build in Japan, for example? They just hire workers and work on their projects with their own equipment. And they'd rather give their own people work.

Whatever. But why shout that we are self-sufficient, and then hire others and buy someone else's equipment. Say honestly that we lag behind so far, but then you would have to dig into the reasons for lagging behind with incredible resources and capabilities.


How much do they build in developed countries? What can you build in Japan, for example? Except to put a slave force and work on their project and on their own equipment. And they'd rather employ their own people.

Whatever. But why shout that we are self-sufficient, and then hire others and buy someone else's equipment. Say honestly that we are lagging behind, but then you would have to dig into the reasons for lagging behind with incredible resources and capabilities.

Look it up on the internet

this isn't about politics.


Does anyone know if there is any software for communicating with "AI" like Alice, Cortana, Google Assistant, and other voice-activated ones. That you can talk to in a foreign language, and that you can put on a PC, not a phone. Clearly, there's not much of an AI there, but still.

There are services for language learning and exchange, where you can communicate with people from other countries, mutually improving language skills. But this is not always convenient.

Perhaps there are already programmes, I couldn't find any. Alice is only in Russian. There are chat-bots for communication, but there is only a printed version, and they are tight, a stupid program with no connection to the Internet search.

Google Assistant is aimed more at the search engine than at communication.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Didn't see it listed on the website, maybe instead of vineyards it would be better to have happy Rockefeller socks?)))

Only if freshly washed and studded with diamonds, but for the price of a regular pair.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Only if they are freshly washed and studded with diamonds, but for the price of a regular pair.

Maybe these are better:

Socks with soles

With a sole. You can save money on shoes.