Interesting and Humour - page 4131

Alexey Viktorov:

How old is a bathtub that doesn't have an overflow pipe?

I have a pipe, of course, I changed the bathtub about 5 years ago. But it can't handle a lot of pressure, and I can make the pressure like a fire brigade))


Линус «Москвич» Торвальдс: какие автомобили распознает нейронная сеть в известных программистах
Линус «Москвич» Торвальдс: какие автомобили распознает нейронная сеть в известных программистах
  • 2016.07.25
Месяц назад популярный сайт «Авто.ру» обновил свои приложения для смартфонов, добавив функцию распознавания автомобиля по его фотографии. Алгоритм основан на нейронных сетях, обучение проводилось на большой выборке — почти 6 миллионов фотографий различных...
Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's a good quote. But man, whoever gets that quote... A problem with the modern internet.


There are rows of mailboxes in the entrances of multi-storey buildings - as you enter the entrance hall.
One guy from our building wrote on his mailbox in white paint:

don't put newspapers

and they didn't put free newspapers in his mailbox.

A week later, someone added a second line of white paint, and there it was:

don't put newspapers
that fool.

The free newspapers were still not put in his box (but everyone else and I were).

Then someone erased the first "no" and it came out -

put newspapers
that fool.

and they put free newspapers in his box, just like they do and do for all of us in the house, including me.


Now went down to the letterboxes - there was another sign on his box, and now the whole text looks like this

put newspapers
to this fool.

That is, we all put free newspapers and advertising leaflets in the mailboxes, and continue to do so. And to him - the same, but already according to the inscription.
However, he has already moved out of the flat and another family lives there, who doesn't know the history of the inscriptions on their letterbox and doesn't pay any attention to them.

Sergey Golubev:

Now went down to the letterboxes - there was another inscription on his box, and now the whole text looks like this:

put the newspapers
to this fool.

That is, we all put free newspapers and advertising booklets in mailboxes, and continue to do so. And to him - the same, but already according to the inscription.
However, he has already moved out of the flat and another family lives there, who doesn't know the history of the inscriptions on their mailboxes and doesn't pay any attention to them.

Free newspapers are a good thing. My mum goes to the country for the summer, saves them all winter and then uses them to heat the stove. And anyway:

