Interesting and Humour - page 3722


Yes, the level of science, technology and economy in the US is very high. But does it affect the ordinary citizens of this country and make them happy? It is difficult to say unequivocally. My nephew got a green card and emigrated with his wife to New York from Bishkek. In Bishkek, after graduating from the Physical Education Institute, he worked as a school teacher. In New York, he struggled to get a job as an ambulance driver and rented a semi-basement apartment to live in. My wife, who had previously worked as a primary school teacher, took a job as a nurse. At first, he admired all the skyscrapers and other sights. In time, however, I realised that in life it was not so important where you lived or what sights there were, but that it was important to have prospects, opportunities for development and career advancement. But that did not happen, life did not work out, his wife and child left him because of life's hardships. Recently he flew to Moscow to visit his brother, whose fortunes were more favourable: he is a military doctor (a colonel in the medical service) and his wife owns a tailoring shop. They have a large country house in the suburbs of Moscow. He took a look at his brother's life and, evidently, envied him. He wanted to get a job in Russia, but there were problems with his citizenship. Since he had emigrated to New York from Kyrgyzstan and not from Russia, some difficulties arose. In the end, it didn't work out and he had to go back. He was accepted back into the ER. It turned out that the place was not taken, although he had been in Moscow for quite a while. So there you are, it's all right where we're not.)

Now a lot of runners are going back. Scientists, businessmen are coming back to live in their homeland. What the fuck? Get the fuck out of here to where they went...

The US has virtually no brains of its own, all are runners from Europe and Russia.

The youth there today are the children of hippies, the fruits of promiscuity and incest in a heroin and marijuana binge.

Andrey Dik:

Now many runners are going back. Scientists, businessmen are coming back to live in their homeland. What the fuck? Get the fuck out of here and go back to where they came from...

The U.S. has virtually no brains of its own, all are runners from Europe and Russia.

Shake that noodle off, no one is coming back.

Whether there are brains of their own in the US or not, there are conditions to apply them.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Shake off the noodles, no one comes back.

Eat your brains out there in the US or not, there are conditions for applying them.

No, you shake that noodle off. Look at the world objectively after all. Otherwise you'll soon believe that in Russia people live in bear hugging and drink vodka instead of tea in the morning, while sitting in the kitchen in pants and a hat with earflaps - this tale has been widely promoted by the West, so well that even my Indian friend practically thought so...)
Andrey Dik:
No, you shake that noodle off. Look at the world objectively after all. Otherwise you'll soon believe it yourself. In Russia people live in embrace with bears and drink vodka instead of tea in the morning, while sitting in the kitchen in pants and a fur cap - this tale has been widely promoted by the West, so well that even my Indian friend practically thought so...))

They drink vodka instead of tea sitting in the kitchen in their pants. They lie about bears and earflaps.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Then at least they would have reduced the size of the flow, at least to 50 people. But a candidate for an audience of 250 people is absurd.

Repeating like an ass is also a theme... Well, they should have written textbooks... but no, in my specialty there were two textbooks for the whole town.

By the way, we had a doctor lecturing in physics. So it's not a question of consent, it's a question of availability. I don't remember any doctor lecturing in mathematics... there weren't any.

And the most interesting thing is that you're all so educated, everything was so awesome, but when it comes to the case, you're all floating... Fomenko can't multiply two complex numbers.

Education in the USSR was a profanation of education. Specialists from universities went nowhere. The first thing that shone through was a working profession, in which vocational school graduates were many times better at than university graduates, and promotion was only possible after several years and with a handful of hands.

And those most unfit were assembled at the Institute for Laser and Information Technologies. And it was where my best friend Vladimir Seminogov worked until his death.

And apart from this institute there are others where his classmates work, some of whom I know, but we do not meet after Volodya's death. Somehow, this is how it worked out...

Andrey Dik:


The US has virtually no brains of its own, all runners from Europe and Russia.

Don't exaggerate, they do, only they are fat and can barely move).
Dmitry Fedoseev:

They drink vodka instead of tea sitting in the kitchen in their pants. They lie about bears and earflaps.
Do you sit in your pants and drink vodka in the morning? - Well, that doesn't mean everyone's as fucked up as you are.
Andrey Dik:
do you sit in your pants and drink vodka in the morning? - Well, that doesn't mean everyone else is as fucked up as you are.
No, he's freelancing for cognac.)
Dmitry Fedoseev:

But not everywhere alcoholics impose their alcoholism.

And the reason why certain psychoactive substances are banned by all states is very interesting... so we won't discuss it. In case you don't know, in the 70's the US cracked down very harshly on LSD addicts.

Dimitri, I just love what you're saying... I've known a man for thirty years who never drank a drop of alcohol in his entire life. Not a single drop. Thirty, I know him, and he's in his 50s. Why can't anyone impose his alcoholism on him? It's strange... he lives in the same Russia and used to live in the USSR.
No, he's freelancing for cognac.)

In your dreams... I'm wearing an earflaps and bears.