Interesting and Humour - page 3720

The funny thing about freelancing these days is"I'm a conscientious contractor, intend to... "
Remember the subject of growing victoria in one's own garden, which was the kind of business one could do - growing and selling it. There was almost a witch hunt - defamatory articles in newspapers and magazines - how awful and wrong it was... etc.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
And remember the theme - growing victoria in your garden, there was such a business of the possible - grow and sell. There was practically a witch hunt - denigrating articles in newspapers, magazines - how awful and wrong it was... etc.

Yes, of course there were kinks, no doubt about that. But you have to make a balanced assessment of what was good and what was bad. I, too, can recall a lot of bad things. Yes, we were and are lagging behind in consumer electronics. And in some areas of science and technology, for example in microelectronics, especially in its technology, we were and are lagging behind. Although we have Alferov, who is a Nobel laureate. Why we were and are lagging behind has its own reasons, and it has been said a hundred times. What do you want us to have the level of development of the United States? Maybe we would be at the same level if our country was in the same historical conditions as the USA. But that did not happen. Who is to blame now? Who is to blame?


Of course there were kinks, no doubt about that. But you have to make a balanced assessment of what was good and what was bad. I, too, can recall a lot of bad things. Yes, we were and are lagging behind in consumer electronics. And in some areas of science and technology, for example in microelectronics, especially in its technology, we were and are lagging behind. Although we have Alferov, who is a Nobel laureate. Why we were and are lagging behind has its own reasons, and it has been said a hundred times. What do you want us to have the level of development of the United States? Maybe we would be at the same level if our country was in the same historical conditions as the USA. But that did not happen. Who is to blame now? Who is to blame?

And who told you that the US has a higher level of TR than Russia? Because they manufacture iPhones, and not even at home, but in China. By what criteria do you judge TR?

Of course there were kinks, no doubt about that. But you have to make a balanced assessment of what was good and what was bad. I, too, can recall a lot of bad things. Yes, we were and are lagging behind in consumer electronics. And in some areas of science and technology, for example in microelectronics, especially in its technology, we were and are lagging behind. Although we have Alferov, who is a Nobel laureate. Why we were and are lagging behind has its own reasons, and it has been said a hundred times. What do you want us to have the level of development of the United States? Maybe we would be at the same level if our country was in the same historical conditions as the USA. But that did not happen. Who is to blame now? Who is to blame?

And here's another topic - there was no prostitution. But there was a so-called preventive clinic at our institute - something like a holiday home, next to the institute, no need to go far, with intensive meals, all sorts of recreational and cultural and entertainment activities... Only Komsomol activists could get a voucher there... but not only that, there were always two three girls known around the dormitories for their easy behaviour... on a regular basis.

Whose fault is it that you are creating these conditions for yourselves?

Andrey Dik:
Who told you that the US has a higher level of TR than Russia? Because they produce iPhones, and not even at home, but in China. By what criteria do you judge TR?

What is TR?

They only assemble iPhones in China. At least an iPhone is not an indicator?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And TP is what?

They only assemble iPhones in China. At least an iPhone isn't an indicator?

TP is something else, not TP but TR - technical development.

No, an iPhone is not an indicator.

Andrey Dik:

TP is something else, not TP but TR - technical development.

No, the iPhone is not an indicator.

Then what is an indicator? The number of days you haven't had a drink?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

What then is the indicator? The number of days you haven't had a drink?
What does this have to do with me? If it is about drinking, then drinking Russia is a myth, which is cultivated by the West in general and the US in particular. In the West, binge drinking is widespread. And Russia has been a non-drinker for centuries, study history.
Andrey Dik:
What does this have to do with me? If it is about drinking, then drinking Russia is a myth, which is cultivated by the West in general and the US in particular. In the West, binge drinking is widespread. But Russia wasn't a drinker from the dawn of time - study history.

And why bother with history when you can observe society. You know, I studied in another city - I lived in a dormitory, I saw 20-year-old alcoholics, then I worked in various organizations... I had to change a lot of places for one reason - everywhere you had to get drunk.

In the West, a man can declare that he is a vegetarian and no one will say anything to him.