Interesting and Humour - page 3435

Nikolay Kositsin:
What civilization? A civilization of parasites? So the global parasite itself has already planted this bomb in the form of hordes of Arab settlers of militant age and these militants will soon slaughter the population of Europe. Which civilisation? The one that bombed Yugoslavia, threw an atom bomb on Herosima, ripped off the people of Libya, genocided Syria? Even the elimination of the entire community of parasites from the golden billion will cause an unprecedented flourishing of the entire human civilisation, and the elimination of a handful of European and American scum and their pyramid of control will only improve the condition of the planet in general. The present civilisation shits under itself and the scale of how much it has shat is such that only a round idiot can utter such nonsense, that such a bench can go on to infinity. If a global parasite is going to stage a Maidan in the country where I live, why can't I have a perfectly just response in the form of destroying the global parasite like a rabid dog?

Because there is no global parasite. You are going to confront yourself (as a collective sense). Take one particular case, from the use of phosphate powders, in the deltas of the major rivers the blue-green algae multiplies, which poisons the environment and does not allow the development of other species.

There is an alternative, non-phosphate powders, but they are more expensive. Ban phosphate powders would doom people to plague epidemics (this already happened when Europe banned washing, you see, because it is a sin). People vote for phosphate powders with rubles.

Have you not noticed that global disasters are caused by poverty. if people are poor they cut down forests, dump rubbish right in the street or even pour faeces out of the window.

And poverty breeds madness of the people, fascination with fake ideas.

What 80% of people want more than anything is for some man to come and tell them what to do and give them food and a place to live. Modern people no longer know how to take care of themselves.

And I assure you if they are not embarrassed by all this crap about freedom, people will be happy to go to work every day, come home in the evening and fall asleep in front of the TV.

Most people don't want anything else. But you think they want more and therefore everything that is there must be destroyed (as it were) and then... But what happens then history is silent because no one knows how to build a world in which most of the contradictions will be removed.

ZZZ Watch Difficult to Be God.

Yeah ....
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Климатологи объяснили аномально высокие температуры на Северном полюсе
  • 2016.11.27
  • Иван Ортега
Начиная с 22 ноября и до конца недели не менее пяти буёв, дрейфующих во льдах в окрестностях Северного полюса, показали температуру от нуля до 1,2 градуса по Цельсию. Морская вода замерзает при температуре меньшей, чем пресная, поэтому льды в районе полюса всё ещё тают, хотя в норме в это время года они должны намерзать. Аномально тёплая...

Brain blast ...

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Психологические и финансовые проблемы образования Луны
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Как возникла Луна, чудесным образом повисшая над нашими головами и до сих пор не упавшая вниз? Над этим вопросом люди задумывались тысячи лет, но только последние полвека предлагаемые теории стали научными, а не фантастическими. В 1975 году доктор наук Евгения Рускол, представитель советской школы планетологов Шмидта — Сафронова и жена Виктора...

I do not get it.) Why would they want to extract energy comparable to the five nuclear power plants they produce today, sounds like a lot of nonsense.

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В Швейцарии не будут ускоренно закрывать АЭС
  • 2016.11.27
  • Валерий Оленин
Инициатива об ускоренном выходе Швейцарии из атомной энергетики отвергнута на состоявшемся сегодня общенациональном референдуме. Согласно окончательным итогам, против неё проголосовало 54,2% граждан. Инициатива партии "зелёных" получила более половины голосов лишь в кантонах Женева, Во, Юра, Невшатель и полукантонах Базель-город и...

The obvious-unbelievable: the twenty-first-century Icarus has flown with a squadron.

The famous Swiss "jet man" Yves Rossy accomplished a new feat: he and his French friends, Vincent Reffe and Fred Fugan (world parachuting champions) took to the air in a helicopter,
jumped from it at 1200 metres into a ring formed by 8 Alfa Jet planes and flew on a stiff jet wing, together with French aerobatic team Patroul de France.
The amazing flight lasted 10 minutes.

Server Muradasilov:

I do not get it.) Why would they want to extract energy comparable to the five nuclear power plants they produce today, sounds like a lot of nonsense.

The same as the other 60% of their energy.
Pavel Gotkevitch:

The obvious-unbelievable: the twenty-first-century Icarus flew with a squadron.

The famous Swiss "jet man" Yves Rossy accomplished a new feat: he and his French friends, Vincent Reffe and Fred Fugan (world parachuting champions) took to the air in a helicopter,
jumped from it at 1200 metres into a ring formed by 8 Alfa Jet planes and flew on a stiff jet wing, together with French aerobatic team Patroul de France.
The amazing flight lasted 10 minutes.

Yeah, well, what a Batman. That's how you do it.

Alexander Antoshkin:

Yeah, that's some Batman. That's how you do it.

Something about that bird's engine didn't seem to work right at the end of the flight.