Interesting and Humour - page 3396


Sure :)

Good luck and delicious coffee :3

Yuriy Asaulenko:
That's what I wanted to say too.
Andrey Dik:

Andrei, I have long wanted to ask you as a patriot - you are theCEO ofInvestment Tools.

Why do you have the Investment Tools website in English only and no Russian version?

Organization -
PropertyExpected TypeDescription Properties from Organization A relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe. The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also...
Will there be anything next? After all, what remains unsolved is how the true folly of chance gets along with the predictable result of measuring the second particle of folly in a tangled pair after measuring the first.))))?

Andrei, I have long wanted to ask you as a patriot - you are theCEO ofInvestment Tools.

Why do you have the Investment Tools website in English only and no Russian version?

I have nothing to do with I don't have my own internet resource because there is no orientation to any of my clients - I have no clients.

Alexander Antoshkin:
Will there be anything next? After all, what remains unsolved is how the true stupidity of chance gets along with the predictable result of measuring the second particle of stupidity in a tangled pair after measuring the first one.))))?

Please tell me if this inscription in an unknown language on your page is a marketing move or is it the other way round ?

Andrey Dik:

I have nothing to do with I don't have my own online resource, because there is no focus on any of my clients - I have no clients.

And this chameleon fromtheGreekforests?
«Русснефть» выходит на биржу
«Русснефть» выходит на биржу
  • 2016.11.07
В ноябре будет объявлено о размещении 10% акций «Русснефти» на Московской бирже, что позволит ей привлечь около $400 млн. Перед размещением компания планирует утвердить стратегию развития на 2017–2019 годы и нового президента, которому придется ее воплощать. А после IPO компания Гуцериева может присоединить добычные активы в Оренбурге, которые...