Interesting and Humour - page 3313


Good morning

And here's a shop like this:


Cough syrup


Well, there you have it, that's what you needed to prove. Don't read the Soviet papers before lunch)

A monument to Sergei Dovlatov was unveiled in St Petersburg.
В Петербурге открыли памятник Сергею Довлатову
В Петербурге открыли памятник Сергею Довлатову
В выходные в Петербурге отмечали "День Д" - городской праздник, посвященный 75-летию Сергея Довлатова. По этому поводу на улице Рубинштейна, 23 открыли бронзовый памятник писателю. На торжественное открытие из Нью-Йорка прибыли вдова писателя Елена и дочь Екатерина. Автор скульптуры Вячеслав Бухаев подчеркнул, что он несколько лет добивался...

Find out what kind of person you are (I ended up being a persistent sensitive person who dreams of getting rich):

This test will tell you what kind of person you are

How is it to live without coffee?

Won't it lead to an increase in the cost of coffee? Certainly not now, but over the years, 20 years from now...

Через 65 лет человечество может лишиться зерен кофе
Через 65 лет человечество может лишиться зерен кофе
  • 2016.09.04
Человечество уже к 2080 году может остаться без кофейных зерен. Растения, на которых произрастают зерна, погибнут из-за нескольких факторов, доказали исследователи из Института климата в Сиднее, Австралия. Первым фактором, который погубит деревья, станет повышение средней температуры воздуха. Другими причинами вымирания...
Sergey Golubev:

Find out what kind of person you are (I got that I am a staunchly sensitive person who dreams of getting rich):

This test will tell us what kind of person you are.

Here's what the test showed:

Based on your associations, we can surmise that you're someone who pays attention to all the little details. An innate understanding of others sits within you, you treat others gently and yourself with care.

You have been able to build a fairly organised life. Your well-developed verbal and written skills, as well as your sociability, have helped you in this.

You often decide on the spot what role you will play in a team or in a personal relationship. Because strong connections with other people are very important to you.

Your main weakness is that you are too critical of yourself. Therefore, you are often nervous and stressed, which has no real basis.

You are an excellent lover and are always on the lookout for new experiences. You love it when your work and your efforts appreciated. And you really are capable of doing great things in the name of love!

You are often called upon to give advice on important matters. People trust you and your wisdom.

Here's a little advice: trust yourself and your intuition more often: most often you underestimate yourself and overestimate others.

Do you agree with this result?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:


I have the same thing