Interesting and Humour - page 2443





like himself here, © CheshireCo

Thanks, I'm hooked.
Satoshi - legendary figure or legend?
Ecuador to be first in the world to launch (centralised) e-currency
having previously banned decentralised (bitcoin) last month.
Cryptocurrencies are a fantastic operation. Watching with admiration.
Эквадор первым в мире намерен запустить в обращение электронную валюту
Эквадор первым в мире намерен запустить в обращение электронную валюту
Центробанк утверждает, что эта валюта будет обеспечена надежными активами. Напомню, что от собственной валюты Эквадор отказался 14 лет назад в пользу американского доллара из-за банковского кризиса. Предполагается, что первое время виртуальная денежная единица будет в ходу наряду с долларом. Заместитель директора Центробанка Эквадора Густаво...

Why did you tie a spider to your willy?


Part 5.

29 October.

The dog is due back tomorrow. The cat keeps washing his face and pretending not to care. And yesterday he was cleaning the pantry and learning to close the door behind him.

October 30.
Oops... I just laughed! They brought her in. I don't know what breed she is, but she's one of those... who needs a stroke to make a move. Pocket dog! By the way, the cat's sitting in the pantry shouting, "What's up?" Told him a wolfhound had been brought in. He answered me that he was still busy, he had a lot of work to do and would spend the night in the storeroom. And his voice trembled.

October 31.
I met Hulk. That is the name of the infirmity. While greeting him, he shat himself a couple of times. His owner calls him Pussy and doesn't hit him. It's a shame about the cat...

November 1.
Halloween. I don't celebrate on principle. It's not our thing. The landlady, on the other hand, is wearing garlic and carrying a cross around the flat. Maybe I just played the balalaika too loud.

November 2.
The cat came out in the night. Well, he came out... Crawled out. Moves around the flat very slowly. He says he has nowhere to go, that he's tired after cleaning. I see. He's afraid.

November 3rd.
And yet they met. The only time I've ever seen them run this fast was when the hubby went for a jolt after we slipped him a laxative. I don't know which of them was more scared.

November 4.
Slipped in the hallway. Now I know who was more frightened. The fear is very slippery and definitely smells like dog shit.

5 November.
Put them at the negotiating table. Five minutes into the meeting, the hostess tossed everyone off the table in turn. How do I know the negotiating table is a metaphor? Rescheduled the meeting for the sixth. In the pantry.

November 6.
The cat was celebrating scout day. Silently. In ambush.

November 7.
It all took place. Hulk said he had no territorial claims and all he wanted was to live to die. Cat read out a list of his demands. Noted that if you listen to him with your eyes closed, you can imagine you're listening to Zhirinovsky.

November 8.
The cat walks around the house like a demob. Sobakevich addresses him as "Comrade Old Sergeant". He gives him oil for it.

November 9.
Told Sobakevich that the cat is afraid of the flyswatter. Answered me that life is just a series of random events, generated in a certain way, invariably leading to a certain end. Told the cat to re-hide the valerian.

November 10.
The hulk bit the hulk's leg. The latter smacked him in the face because he thought he'd been bitten by a fly. Sitting in the pantry, plotting his revenge. Found an Animal World magazine on the shelf. The cat pretended it wasn't his, but asked not to throw it away.

November 13.
The non-powerful one chewed his hubby's shoelaces. As you can see from the date, it took a long time. It was the cat, of course. The doggy did his push-ups all night long.

November 14.
Found Nietzsche's book at the Hulk's. All evening we reasoned and discussed with the cat. Concluded that the door was better to be propped up by the explanatory dictionary, as it was heavier.

November 15.
Again the plumber came. Said he had given up drinking after the last time. I congratulated him and shook his hand. Now he will give up eating as well.

November 17.
Hulk was telling us how many interesting things are behind the front door. The cat and I have never been there. The cat doesn't believe that there are other cats besides him.

November 18.
The owner is going on holiday. She is taking the cat with her and the cat stays at home. She's asked a neighbour to look after it. Can't you ask me? А.. Well, yes...

November 19th.
Stole the landlady's second key to the flat. We're going camping tomorrow. Now it's lights out.

© CheshireCo - Diaries.Online

A groovy Israeli tennis player.
At a tournament in Colombia, Israeli tennis player Dudi Sela played a match against Croatian Ivo Karlovic.
Karlovic is the tallest professional tennis player in the world. He is 211 cm tall.
Sela's height is 175 cm.
After the match, Sela, having lost, was not upset, but ran for a chair, climbed on it and shook hands with Karlovic.
It should be noted that even on the chair the Israeli was shorter than the Croatian giant.

