Interesting and Humour - page 529

In general, today's NPPs are a transitional solution, and in 50-70 years all new NPPs will be thermonuclear. The age of the "dirty atom" will last another 50 or 70 years, and then the era of big, clean nuclear energy will come.

Waste is still being disposed of. Take the fast neutron reactor, for example. It is essentially fuelled by spent fuel from classic nuclear power plants. After that, the fuel is transformed into isotopes of conventional chemical elements, which are safely sealed in glass cubes and buried. The background from such "waste" is not much higher than from a granite embankment on the river Neva.

The terrorist threat is too exaggerated too. If terrorists blow up, say, the Sayano-Sushenskaya hydroelectric power plant, the consequences will be monstrous. And all this without any nuclear technology. However no one has exploded anything of the kind yet. If a mobile NPP explodes, at most, there will be minor contamination within a limited radius of a couple of kilometres.

Ships and nuclear submarines have had nuclear reactors for a long time. And the people there are military officers, not nuclear physicists with 20 years of apprenticeship. This does not prevent them from using nuclear energy. The nuclear reactor in such solutions is a closed-type device, which is not much more difficult to use than a home microwave oven.

Taki is not disposed of but buried and in 200-500 years our descendants will curse us for these gifts.

At Chernobyl this insignificant contamination took the whole zone out of the habitat, there seems to be no radiation, but dig down a metre, in the Dnieper there is a layer of radioactive silt under a layer of clean silt. and this gift will last for 300 years.

We used to recruit submariners and seamen from nuclear ships. Because of their excellent training, graduates from civilian universities were not so eagerly recruited. And you say that it is not more difficult.

Here's another interesting article on nuclear fusion: Simulation has highlighted a new path to nuclear fusion
Lots of emotion little numbers. The reality is that nuclear power is now on the rise. New contracts are being signed, multi-billion dollar projects are being implemented. Nuclear power is actively developing and generating new ideas. The ITER experimental reactor is being built in the south of France. This technology is at the limit of human thinking, but we will definitely succeed. One such reactor will ignite an artificial sun that will be ten times more powerful than all these wind turbines and mirrors.

Taki is not disposed of but buried, and it will take 200-500 years for our descendants to curse us for these gifts.

At the Chernobyl NPP this insignificant contamination took the whole zone out of the habitat, there seems to be no radiation, but dig down a metre and there is a layer of radioactive silt in the Dnieper under a layer of clean silt. and this gift will last for 300 years.

We used to recruit submariners and seamen from nuclear ships. Because of their excellent training, graduates from civilian universities were not so eagerly recruited. And you say that it is not more difficult.

You can argue endlessly. I have one thing to say. Wind spinning blades, burning organics and heating water with a parabolic mirror are technologies of yesterday. And hundreds of years ago, mills used to grind flour, grow crops under sunlight and heat the house with wood or coal. For the future, the technology of 1000 years ago is no longer enough. The only technology capable of meeting tomorrow's energy needs is nuclear technology. After all, all the energy we get from wind and solar to organic has its origins in the bowels of our Sun - the greatest thermonuclear reactor. And to say that nuclear power is evil and the future belongs to distorting mirrors is, at the very least, unwise and one-sided.

Yep, it's Mishek all over again.

In any case, an alternative to fossil fuels is urgently needed. But that is half the problem. Many states depend directly on oil and gas exports for their budgets. Discovering such energy right now could lead to conflicts. Society itself is not yet ready to give up money. There is definitely no way to reach an agreement now.


Are you guys out of your mind?

Nuclear reactor is a machine without brakes, getting energy from self-accelerating reaction is always potentially dangerous, they learn to operate reactors for decades and it still remains dangerous.

it is potentially dangerous to live in our country - they have stolen, they have not looked, you have given an example:

At Chernobyl this minor contamination took the whole area out of the habitat, there seems to be no radiation, but dig a metre of ass, in the Dnieper under a layer of clean silt there is a layer of radioactive. and this present will last for 300 years.

If you give examples of the dangers of atomic energy, it would be better to live in Japan, where the elements are to blame.

But who knows what's better - to live in the "stone age" without the benefits of civilization or to live using everything and being afraid to die from it, whether it's genetically modified products or nuclear power plants?

Solar power is not as environmentally friendly as it sounds. Solar cells are bullshit, the main asshole with a battery station. And money-wise too.
And when the time comes, we'll run out of fuel.
Solar power is not as environmentally friendly as it sounds. Solar cells are bullshit, the main asshole with a battery station. And money-wise, too.
You've got to be kinetic energy storage of any kind, even a weight on a string.