Interesting and Humour - page 203

Well, half the budget goes to pay those Moskals for gas. It is time to take on the hamsters as well, because they have become so impudent already...
Alexei, here is a multiplication problem:
Gazprom sells gas to Naftogaz of Ukraine for $500 per thousand cubic metres (Yulka's contract, for which she is in jail), well done Putin (this is not sarcasm).
And you think this price puts Ukraine on its knees, no way.
At an output of Naftogaz of Ukraine the internal price, on the average with own gas production 130$, it is because Ukraine buys only 30 % of gas, the rest produces itself (if who doesn't know Ukraine is the gas-producing country).
Next, Naftogaz of Ukraine as a state-owned (and therefore limited profitability) company sells this gas to regional OblEnergo (which have been bought up outright by Mr Firtash, who is close to the President) at 130$ per thousand cubic metres.

Now the question is: At what price does OblEnergo sell gas to kindergartens, schools, etc. ????

When Firtash's Swiss company RosUkrEnergo owed Russia for gas, Yulka ordered to buy the gas from Gazprom and put it on the balance sheet of Naftogaz Ukrainy, Firtash subsequently filed for arbitration in Stockholm, but the case was thrown out because Firtash had no arguments and the situation was only saved by the victory of the Blues in the presidential elections. Firtash immediately replaced Ukraine's representatives in the arbitration, and they proudly flipped the case to Firtash. As a result not only the gas was credited back to Firtash, but the country Ukraine owes a private person Firtash 5 000 000 $, that is nearly $ 100 dollars from the nose of every Ukrainian, including newborns, those are purely by the rules, the debt assigned.

ZZZY In short, for those who have read this far, buying gas at $ 130, the price at which Firtash sells gas to kindergartens is $ 700.

So better Putin than this crazy pack of comrades.


And now this "reckless pack of comrades" is giving you 500 roubles (of that 100,000,000.0) and asking you to support their candidate in the election. Will you support them?

Don't confuse voting for someone and trampling in droves for someone else.

The first solves everything, the second solves nothing, except appeasing the ambitions of political technologists.

Understand that all these rallies are no longer influencing anyone's consciousness. It's an old technology, and you can't move people either for or against it now.

ZZY Just now, several thousand people are standing near the Kachaniv penal colony chanting "Yulya Volu", they are regularly featured in the news,

And what? The authorities just ignore them and do not see them at all.


And now this "crazy pack of comrades" is giving you 500 rubles (of those 100 000 000.0) and asking you to support their candidate in the election. Will you support them?

Specify "you" in terms of percentages. How many were at the "For fair elections" rallies? 100-500 thousand, let's say 1 million across Russia - what percentage of the voting population is that? Not more than 1%. With such a representative sample any conclusion is a "bluster" or "much ado about nothing. That is why one's opinion should not be made "our" opinion. And the opinion of a "rally" should not be called the opinion of "everyone". The results of the election as a percentage of those who voted (we cannot judge the opinion of others) say a lot.

When they say "for fair elections" they forget the meaning of the word "elections". "Election" of whom? There were 4 people who participated. Of those 4, is there an alternative? And if there is no alternative, then any "election" is a mere formality. And it is desirable that this pure formality should pass quickly, without breaking windows and funeral music. Because the "crazy team" will muddy the waters and ordinary people will have to sort it out.

It would be cheaper for the authorities to pay 500 rubles to the protesters "for power" than to pacify the provocateurs from the "crazy team" with tanks and police. It is also cheaper for any government to lock up a dozen activists than not knowing what to do with the "revolutionary element" that is raging. By the way, as percentages and history show, at all times there have been very few revolutionaries, unlike the fire they are fanning.

There's the revolutionary Reshetov, what did he achieve? Although, if you read the famous thread, he has supporters and sympathizers. MK strangled Reshetov's "rebellion" at the root and all is "peace and quiet" - there is not even a "Reshetov article" left.

Correction: We didn't stifle anything, on the contrary, we helped solve the problem, gave advice in private, and then we regretfully had to do the author's will - delete the article.

On the contrary, we invest in increasing the number of articles, our proofreaders, designers and translators work with each material.

A new version of the article and codobase publishing system is coming soon - we have the task of making the system more convenient and easier in order to attract more authors.

The way you have chosen with Reshetov will reduce the number of authors. You could have made concessions to him. It's not every day that people come to you with such requests. You should be wiser. And you take a stand and get into a conflict. Who benefited from that? I think no one, including us, the readers of the articles.

No, you are confused, it Reshetov in posture and conflict, and MQ managed until the last, until they realized that it will not destroy, it is necessary to cut. And Reshetov with his stubbornness still in the community, although I remember in the past and was banned for eternity for less. Hello Prival.
I don't get it - has Reshetov's "topic" crawled into interesting and humour? Just want to know which section: interesting or humour?
I don't get it - has Reshetov's "topic" crawled into interesting and humour? Just want to know which section: interesting or humour?
Well, if interesting, then interesting. If funny, then in humor. )))
I don't get it - has Reshetov's "topic" crawled into interesting and humour? I just need to understand in which section: in interesting or in humour?
Hello, this is an answer to your own retort in the thread where the retort was made. A difference of 69 minutes, have you forgotten what you wrote?

So, better Putin than a pack of such reckless comrades like this.

What a mess you have in your head colleague )

There is stealing on a large (relative) scale of people's votes both during the December Duma elections and now the presidential ones.

People do not like it when people steal their money, their furniture, their children in the street or their votes during elections.

The theft and its brazenness has rallied people as in a common trouble and led them out to protest in the streets, like the stolen shareholders in a construction project. Is it clear yet? OK.

People came out and the political opposition (no matter what kind of opposition, good, bad, systemic, green, or crooked) could not help but take advantage of it. They joined in.

For the authorities, from that moment, since the appearance of the first slogan like "the authorities must be held accountable. Now they just need to mix together ten or so opposition leaders and those who protest against theft.

And it was done with ease and success. Now any grandma, a primary school teacher, far from politics and just outraged at vote stealing has become a representative of the state department and a member of the orange plague

spreading through Russia and wanting to tear the country apart, etc.