Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 40

Реter Konow:
Looks like Artificial Intelligence won't be creating new professions - it will destroy them consistently and irrevocably. What will become of the world?

Realistic and considered predictions are interesting.

the world will enjoy

as long as it doesn't create a machine against itself

to shove artificial intelligence into a piece of hardware is a lot of varied work

so there will be new professions, and most likely they are already appearing

Alexandr Andreev:

Maybe we should look at history. Once upon a time everyone ploughed the field and if you tell them about factories - what will become of their world, what will people do? .... There will always be work, it's called service.

There used to be a huge scope for people to develop in all directions. With the advent of AI, automation will peak. First, people will invent and build AI-supporting technical infrastructure (like robots) to keep themselves busy, and then? Will unemployment grow exponentially?
Aleksei Stepanenko:
Unconditional basic income.
Реter Konow:
People used to have a huge scope for development in all directions. With the arrival of AI, automation will peak. First, people will invent and build AI-supporting technical infrastructure (like robots) to keep themselves busy, and then? Will unemployment grow exponentially?

There will never be unemployment.... There will be some personality trainers and stuff.... Take for example the body development sports field and how many instructors there could be. Even realistically build a model where everyone only works in this field...... Or somehow the AI will replace it here too???

Alexandr Andreev:

There will never be unemployment.... There will be some personality trainers and stuff.... Take for example the body development sports field and how many instructors there could be. Even realistically build a model where everyone only works in this field...... Or somehow the AI will replace it here too???

Do you know how many people there are on Earth? About 7,594,000,000 as of 2018. Do you think that at least half of them can be put on a "bullshit" job if there are no other options? ))))

AI is a data conversion tool.

For example, here is a one-minute chart forecast of the Euro dollar
Dynamics and price seems to be guessing.

About cats and their tails - the logic was presented like this:

1. All cats are mammals.
2. Some cats don't have tails.

Wrong conclusion: Some mammals don't have tails.

Why wrong? I'll explain it with the following chain of logic:

1. All humans are mammals.
2. Some people do not have heads (executed with a guillotine).

Conclusion: Some mammals do not have heads.

The resulting thesis is flawed WITHOUT all the explanatory information. Same with cats and any other similar conclusions. Such logic will breed a host of untenable AI inferences.

Therefore, I do not believe in mathematical formulation of human logic. It is non-linear and "warped" by a mass of unpredictable nuances.
It turns out that one cannot judge the properties of an instance of an object by the properties of its type, category or template, because the instance undergoes any transformation, while its "source" is bound to preserve its conceptual integrity and inviolability. By projecting the properties of a reworked copy onto an intact original, we commit a "logical violation" and "break" it, after which no derivatives can be created from it.

Headless mammals, which emerged as a consequence of the reverse projection of the properties of a broken instance (executed by beheading a human) onto its species, are an example of this.

Another property limiting the category is missing. Some dead people don't have heads. So some dead mammals don't have heads.

It is not about logic, logic is as iron as a machine and everything is clear and unambiguous with it. The point is that man does not live only by using logical thinking.