Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 61

Реter Konow:
Any commercial activity exploiting the topic of healing outside of official and authorized medicine should be prosecuted. Imho.

Unscientific, "homemade" teachings on the health of mind and body allow fraudsters to set up fraudulent schemes to raise money from the crowds of hope seekers. This is criminal, but very clever (shrewd) people know how to make it look good, so that you can't get it wrong. They build a legitimate business model on filling heads with unintelligible, pseudo-philosophical concepts, implying "purification", "ascension", "healing", and "wisdom" through actual detachment from problems by withdrawing from reality into the "astral" through meditation. In essence, they are not proposing to solve problems, but to walk away from them.

In the late 90-s. at the faculty of information technology and business there was a subject in the schedule BIOENERGYINFORMATICS, where we were tuning pendulums, learned the chakras, laws of the Universe and Gods... back in the late 90s. I have 5 years of schooling in my diploma as a bioenergoinformatic engineer from God. :-) engineer in information measuring technique and technology (and at the time of training there were groups and inclinations in medicine (it is to the post about medicine, in science and in business).
A monetized, publicly available "philosophy" that implicitly promises the healing of the spirit-body by detachment from the material (oh, how convenient ;)) and transition to an "other state", abusing the terms "energy", which it does not "lend a hand to the mare" - should it be deceived or not? Probably more yes than no. But, that opinion won't change anything. So, let it...))))


Great video:

It's easier to watch with subtitles.

The incredible inventions of intuitive AI | Maurice Conti
The incredible inventions of intuitive AI | Maurice Conti
  • 2017.02.28
What do you get when you give a design tool a digital nervous system? Computers that improve our ability to think and imagine, and robotic systems that come ...
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

if only in a sick imagination.

Moreover, this "knowledge" is a source of mental illness, as are all religions.

For which I congratulate you and am very happy for you.

Реter Konow:
Any commercial activity exploiting the topic of healing outside of official and authorized medicine should be prosecuted. Imho.

Unscientific, "homemade" teachings on the health of mind and body allow fraudsters to set up fraudulent schemes to raise money from the crowds of hope seekers. This is criminal, but very clever (shrewd) people know how to make it look good, so that you can't get it wrong. They build a legitimate business model on filling heads with unintelligible, pseudo-philosophical concepts, implying "purification", "ascension", "healing", and "wisdom" through actual detachment from problems by withdrawing from reality into the "astral" through meditation. In essence, they are not proposing to solve problems, but to walk away from them.

This is when you don't understand the subject at all.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Congratulations and good for you.

They also have a pronounced symptom of denial of all opinion

that's the zombie stage.
Реter Konow:
Any commercial activity exploiting the topic of healing outside of official and authorized medicine should be prosecuted. Imho.

Unscientific, "homemade" teachings on the health of mind and body allow fraudsters to set up fraudulent schemes to raise money from the crowds of hope seekers. This is criminal, but very clever (shrewd) people know how to make it look good, so that you can't get it wrong. They build a legitimate business model on filling heads with unintelligible, pseudo-philosophical concepts, implying "purification", "ascension", "healing", and "wisdom" through actual detachment from problems by withdrawing from reality into the "astral" through meditation. In essence, they are not proposing to solve problems, but to walk away from them.

There are a large number of charlatans of various stripes, and there are people with incomprehensible energy.

I don't even have to go far. My mother's sister (my own aunt) and my mother used to be able to make faces. It is an unknown disease (a red itchy area on the body) which is not cured by modern medicine and could exist for a long time. Sometimes one or two sessions of incantation would do away with it. As a child it was interesting for me to watch this. People would come from far away. The help was always unselfishly rendered.

Another case concerned my illness directly.

A joint of my right hand began to hurt. I could not lift 5-10 kg. My mother-in-law recommended a granny she knew, who could heal it.

Since I already knew the therapeutic power of the word, I agreed. There was some doubt in a private case, but it was necessary to try). We came. I showed her my hand. Said it would pass.

The old woman climbed into the attic of the house, pulled out a linen thread, twisted it, tied it on my hand, and whispered. Said to carry it till it fell off by itself.

I didn't even notice when it fell off. Didn't take more than two or three days. Hand no longer hurts and to this day is as healthy as before the disease.

Words and thoughts are unexplored powerful energy. We ...

Uladzimir Izerski:

There are a large number of charlatans of various stripes, and there are people with incomprehensible energy.

I don't even have to go far. My mother's sister (my own aunt) and my mother used to be able to heal my face. It is an unknown disease (a red itchy area on the body) which is not cured by modern medicine and could exist for a long time. Sometimes one or two sessions of incantation would do away with it. As a child it was interesting for me to watch this. People would come from far away. The help was always unselfishly rendered.

Another case concerned my illness directly.

A joint of my right hand began to hurt. I could not lift 5-10 kg. My mother-in-law recommended a granny she knew, who could heal it.

Since I already knew the therapeutic power of the word, I agreed. There was some doubt in a private case, but it was necessary to try). We came. I showed her my hand. Said it would pass.

The old woman climbed into the attic of the house, pulled out a linen thread, twisted it, tied it on my hand, and whispered. Said to carry it till it fell off by itself.

I didn't even notice when it fell off. Didn't take more than two or three days. Hand no longer hurts and to this day is as healthy as before the disease.

Words and thoughts are unexplored powerful energy. We ...

A woman came to a grandmother complaining of constant diarrhea. Her grandmother advised her to drink less coffee. And, miraculously, the diarrhea went away! Isn't that a miracle?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

They also have a pronounced symptom of denial of all opinion

That's the zombie stage.


I recently read an article on wikipedia about biorhythms, about those 23, 28, 33 days. And somewhere in the beginning there was something about a pseudoscientific theory being disproved. Let's say 23 and 33 are fixes, but 28 days is the lunar cycle. You'd have to be a tree to ignore and deny it. That's the whole point of fighters against pseudo-science and pseudo-theories.