1200 subscribers!!! - page 90

Lev Seliverstov:
I don't understand this trick. it takes 50 pips each. the depo load is opaque. any move against the opening will lead to a crash, and there are a lot of people who have taken advantage of it.
What is unclear? I have a good idea of what to do with this kind of money. There is a possibility to withdraw the deposit at any moment what she warned about in the signal description.
So where did the top go?
Vladimir Tkach:
So where did the top go?
There has been no trading activity for six days... I mean, nothing bad happened
Yevhenii Levchenko:
There has been no trading activity for six days... I mean, nothing bad has happened.

Hasn't traded in 20 days and already has over 1000 subscribers

Nice earning :D)))

And the stoppage is not systematic.

Although he says there is no signal to enter)

Yevhenii Levchenko:
Six days of no trading activity... I mean, nothing bad happened.

The main income comes from subscriptions , standing and collecting is the right tactic!

I like the phrase "there was no trading activity... I mean, nothing bad happened."


It feels like it's exclusively "all their own" or "all alone". Not a single indignation in the feedback, in the profile, that there is no trade. Plus she promised to continue trading after the New Year, already a week on top. There is no signal in the signal list. Recall Gonchar's signal -- yes it was ripped from morning to night in reviews and in the profile. There is silence and total absence of dialog. And the last hundred and fifty subscribers appeared just yesterday.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

It feels like it's exclusively "all their own" or "all alone". Not a single indignation in the feedback, in the profile, that there is no trade. Plus she promised to continue trading after the New Year, already a week on top. There is no signal in the signal list. Remember Gonchar's signal - he was torn from morning to night in the feedback and in the profile. There is silence and total absence of dialog. And last one hundred and fifty subscribers appeared just yesterday.

After New Year, the concept of stretching, especially in Russia. There is still New Year in the old style. And in China, too, it has not yet come. In Old Slavonic, again only in January. So there is still time until at least the middle of the month.

Vladimir Tkach:

The next highest number of subscribers also comes in mostly at night, takes few and walks the line.

The script is good, useful! Only to subscribers it will not open their eyes. If they can't appreciate that the signal provider is just sitting out the moose, I'll keep silent about the rest.

Nikolai Krylov:

The script is good, useful! Only to subscribers it won't open their eyes. If they can't appreciate by MAE that the signal provider is just sitting out the moose, then I'll shut up about the rest.

Agreed. The subscriber just like the grocery shopper in the mart needs to be choosier and smarter too. I have had half of my customers ask me how a product works after purchase.

Vladimir Tkach:

I agree. The subscriber as well as the purchaser of products in the market needs to be choosier and smarter. I have had half of my customers ask me how a product works after they have bought it.

Maybe you should make a special video in the description so that you don't have to answer the same questions. It is easier to give a link to a ready-made answer.