1200 subscribers!!! - page 42


I think so, if the signal is at the top, it means it is worthy of this by the characteristics that are used to analyze the signal itself.

As for improving the service in terms of adequate assessment of signals by subscribers, you can make a line of subscribers, for example, 100 +.

Sergey Golubev:
Probably demo accounts have subscribed to a paid signal (that's possible).
A demo account may be either 6M or 10M for example.
It does not have to be a demo account! If a subscriber has $100 (10 000$) on his/her cent account, the subscribers' funds will be shown as 10 000$ instead of 100$.
I do not understand one thing! Watching this signal from the beginning of January 2017 the growth was 2501%, and at the moment 2756%, where did the 255% growth come from if the profit for the current month was only 10.02%?
Ramil Sungatov:
Have you tried dividing one number by another? )
I mean, I don't think it's right...you need a real increase...
Ramil Sungatov:
I mean that in my opinion this is not right... you need a real gain...

You just need to understand the terminology.

The problem is that the vast majority of people reading the word "growth" understand "profitability" [e.g., herehttp://fb.ru/article/226179/dohodnost---eto-chto]-- and that is how they interpret the indicator that is highlighted on the showcase and called "growth" -- and it is the misinterpretation of the indicator that creates confusion in the understanding.

And what is meant by "increment" - is described in official "Help about Signals service" on the first page and specifically clarified by me herehttps://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/10603/page227#comment_2841979.


By the way, on a well-known resource - both indicators are given - and there is no confusion:

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

By the way, on a well-known resource - both indicators are given - and there is no confusion:

I absolutely agree with youhttps://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/96178/page3#comment_2841593 Namely:"Staring" in the statistics of signals non-factual "gain" either a) misleads subscribers or b) pushes them to unreasonable risks in "expectation of a miracle".

Absolute growth should also be there for clarity's sake!

Оффтоп Зелинского
Оффтоп Зелинского
  • www.mql5.com
Форум алго-трейдеров MQL5
Ramil Sungatov:
I don't understand one thing! Watching this signal from the beginning of January 2017 the growth was 2501%, and now it is 2756%. Where did the 255% growth come from, if the current month's profit is only 10.02%?


almost fits

Ramil Sungatov:
It is not necessary to have a demo! If a subscriber has $100 (10 000$) on his/her cent account, the line of subscribers' funds will be shown as 10 000$ instead of 100$.

what is the connection between the $100 in your account and your subscriber funds?

Subscribers' funds are displayed in $, not cents, as Renat said

Never mind, subscribers trade wherever they want and on all accounts, that's why everything is displayed in $