Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2851

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Is 90 years old enough to have a judgement? I do not know the answer to this question, I have not lived to these years yet)))))) And one grandmother learnt the language at the age of 90, by the way)))))

No, I just sometimes watch Prof Savelyev on youtube, who researches brains. I've made a lot of discoveries for myself :)

I am afraid that at 90 you would not hear anything adequate from me.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Machine learning is slowly reaching the masses. There are already many articles and bots, and every 3rd person is interested. The industry is moving slowly, but users are gradually beginning to realise the benefits. And the threshold for entering the topic is quite high.

And when someone unknowingly puts a good algorithm into the public domain, it will become mainstream.

It is quite possible, but algorithms are something I want to do myself))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
No, I just sometimes watch Prof Saveliev on youtube who researches brains. I've made a lot of discoveries for myself :)

I'm afraid you wouldn't hear anything adequate from me at 90 years old.

Well, he seems to say that everything is individual) And the ability to learn a certain percentage loses even by 20 - 30))))

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Well, he seems to say that everything is individual)) And the ability to learn a certain percentage loses and by 20 - 30))))

Well, there is a certain peak, after which the warranty on the brain ends and it can begin to behave unpredictably. Hospital average.

Morphogenesis slows down, old connections remain. Try to change a person's mind at an advanced age about anything. New information just doesn't sink in.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Well there is some peak after which the warranty on the brain runs out and it can start behaving unpredictably. Hospital average.

I don't think those who are here are average.)

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

I don't think that those who are here are the average in the hospital)))))

And that no one has conducted tests, the results could be a surprise.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

Morphogenesis slows down, old ties remain. Try to change a person's mind about anything at an advanced age. New information just doesn't sink in.

Aging is of course not cancelled, but I don't think our knowledge allows us to make full judgements. And the fact that it's harder to change your mind, that's normal.)))))) Some people can't be persuaded from the age of 3 to old age.))))

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Aging has not been cancelled of course, but I don't think our knowledge allows us to make full judgements. And the fact that it is more difficult to change your mind is normal.))))))) Some people can't be persuaded from the age of 3 to old age)))).

Well, in any case, there is a certain resource, after the exhaustion of which the brain does not change much, but the accumulated potential allows to be realised in different things. That's roughly what I was thinking.

Children have a different problem. The organism receives too many endogenous drugs, and they do not want to think. Moreover, drugs are produced as encouragement when you do not think, because thinking wastes a lot of energy. Although connections are actively formed anyway :) The old ones have it the other way round

Now ask yourself a question. Who on this forum is thinking, i.e. actively creating new neural connections, and who is simulating. The one who is simulating may not even be aware of it. But it takes less energy. Statistically (as everywhere) those who think will be few. The rest imitate and get another dose in the blood.

And those who think squirm in agony from constant deficiency of nutrients and oxygen in the brain because of its active work :) so the creative process is not a pleasure, as it seems to many people.

And it is unlikely that anyone will engage in it at will, without absolute necessity.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

And those who think are squirming in agony from the constant lack of nutrients and oxygen to the brain due to its active work :) so the creative process is not a pleasure as many people think.

And it is unlikely that anyone will engage in it at will, without absolute necessity.

The result will cover everything, and the desire for the result is still that motivator dopamine)))))) And by occupation, it is just like anticipation, people make efforts to achieve goals without knowing the rezov. A good example is child rearing) It has a direct relation to the MO, on the cuts. ))) I would like very much not to be wrong in upbringing, BUT....

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

And those who think are squirming in agony from the constant lack of nutrients and oxygen to the brain due to its active work :) so the creative process is not a pleasure as many people think.

We eat well and open the window.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

And it is unlikely that anyone will engage in it at will, without extreme necessity.

It seems to me that those who are engaged in AI here do not have a special need. I think we are partly hooked on solving an unsolvable (almost) problem. And with so much time and effort invested, it is a pity to give up. So we go on following a phantom hope. If there was a need, we would go to the factory.