Simple Trading Method - page 7

08:15 entry on IBFX that closed for 742 pips. I was in it a little over an hour. Trading on a micro acct so not big money but great money on a micro. Need to put some more money in my trading account! LOL. I love this method. I am extemely pleased with my trade results last night but if you look at the charts there was a lot more available than 742 pips. Perhaps I need to learn to let things ride while I sleep. Even my little micro acct gain last night pays to fill up my SUV (only $41 with the dropping gas prices). Thanks Julius for the gas money!

Wow i love to hear real stories like that from real trader not some made up tales. That really inspired me, Jeff. Just keep your micro account and let it grow, dont rush things. In time it will grow like you have never imagine before as long are there are broker out there. The market is there to stay.

Opps are we getting greedy now. LOL...If you see the PGraph bending back that is your signal to get out. Pushing it futher will most of the time, end in disaster.

Well i have little needs, grocery money is good enough, but with gas money added to it. More thankful already.



Julius, are you still trading the jumpers on a regular basis? There seems to be so many good basket trading opportunities I haven't traded a jumper live or demo in a while now.

Julius, are you still trading the jumpers on a regular basis? There seems to be so many good basket trading opportunities I haven't traded a jumper live or demo in a while now.

Not so much now. You are experiencing the same amount of stress trading jumper and basket or group so why not just do it in basket. LOL Jumper is good too for those with limited equity but riskier than trading baskets. An you get bored most of the time waiting for it to jump from slot to slot.


And Vice Versa. Drop it on EURJPY, then pull up some other currency charts (GY, EU, GU, etc.) and line them up using the period separators -- I use all 1 hour charts. Watch what the currencies do in relation to the crosses. Brilliant.

I have attached the PChart on all pairs and they all show the same pattern just like the Basket Indicator. So, kindly correct me if I am wrong. If this is an indicator for the Basket, why do we need to attach this to each pair?

I attached 2 charts AUDUSD and CHFJPY.

I have attached the PChart on all pairs and they all show the same pattern just like the Basket Indicator. So, kindly correct me if I am wrong. If this is an indicator for the Basket, why do we need to attach this to each pair? I attached 2 charts AUDUSD and CHFJPY.

I am sorry Lanie -- you misunderstood me. I was saying to add it to one chart and stretch it out the length of your screen so all you can see is the graph and price above it and then open up a couple of other currencies showing price action only and line them up above that chart with the period separators matching up. Then watch when the PChart crosses and watch what happens on the currencies you chose to keep an eye on. That way you can see the cross happen and the resulting move on individual currencies. Is that clearer?

In the screenshots you attached you couldn't see price, you definitely want to watch price so you can see what happens. I think it will benefit you to watch what happens to price on a couple of currencies when you have a cross on the PChart.


I took a short this evening close to 03:00 IBFX and had a drawdown close to 380 pips before JPY Housing Starts came out. Within a minute or so I went from -300 pips to +550. It started retracing and I'm really tired so I took 459 pips to the bank!!! Now to get some sleep. That with 4 baskets and you almost have your record Julius -- plenty of opportunities tonite and tomorrow.

I am sorry Lanie -- you misunderstood me. I was saying to add it to one chart and stretch it out the length of your screen so all you can see is the graph and price above it and then open up a couple of other currencies showing price action only and line them up above that chart with the period separators matching up. Then watch when the PChart crosses and watch what happens on the currencies you chose to keep an eye on. That way you can see the cross happen and the resulting move on individual currencies. Is that clearer? In the screenshots you attached you couldn't see price, you definitely want to watch price so you can see what happens. I think it will benefit you to watch what happens to price on a couple of currencies when you have a cross on the PChart.

I set-up according to your guidance. Mmmh,... I think slowly I will get the relationship between the pairs vs the indicator.

Thank you for your patience. Appreciate that.



Thank you for


I am done trading for the week. The results are shown below. To view statements for the figures below..Click the attached link at the bottom of the post

I was not able break my high record of 16,000 pips. I am 4,400 short for the record. But overall its a decent week for trading.

IBFX Platform:

Total Trades Made ------- 681 trades

Total Pips Profitted------- 11,615 pips

Total Dollars Profitted----- $11,470.73

FXPro Platform:

Total Trades Made ------- 444 trades

Total Pips Profitted------- +4,637 pips

Total Dollars Profitted----- $4,729.61

Cummulative Total:

Total Trades Made ------- 1125 trades

Total Pips Profitted------- +16,252 pips

Total Dollars Profitted----- $16,200.34

Have a nice weekends y'all.


Forex Factory - View Single Post - Simplicity is the Key


Hi Julius,

I am just curious why IBFX profit two times higher than FXpro platform?

You mentioned this on your early post : "The only difference with these system is you can catch the trend earlier by at least 2 candles and you can maximize your profit.". Which tool do you use to identify the trend 2 candles earlier? By trend, do you mean short, medium, long term trend?

Btw, Do you ever thinking about execute/trigger the baskets simultaneously on the same broker with different accounts? Then you can easily reach your target 1x, 2x, 3x,etc (3 x $11,470.73 = $34,412.19) faster. I know it is also 1x, 2x, 3x risk involved, but you are pretty consistent on your earning, thefore the risk should be reduced.

Thanks, enjoy your trip to costco this weekend

IBFX Platform:Total Trades Made ------- 681 tradesTotal Pips Profitted------- 11,615 pipsTotal Dollars Profitted----- $11,470.73 FXPro Platform:Total Trades Made ------- 444 tradesTotal Pips Profitted------- +4,637 pipsTotal Dollars Profitted----- $4,729.61 Cummulative Total:Total Trades Made ------- 1125 tradesTotal Pips Profitted------- +16,252 pipsTotal Dollars Profitted----- $16,200.34 Have a nice weekends y'all.Julius Forex Factory - View Single Post - Simplicity is the Key

Wow Julius, you made more in one week than most people make in a month!! Congratulations on a terrific trading week.

I have a long way to go before my trading is in the same ballpark, but with patience and perserverance I plan on being in that 10k+ pips/week club consistently. I remember a couple of years ago when a group I traded with our goal was 100 pips a week. That seemed so difficult back then. LOL. Now, with basket trading that comes in a matter of minutes if not seconds.