Simple Trading Method - page 12

Hello Julius, Thanks for the tip on the NFP, that kind of info is priceless, beats learning it the hard way. I was wondering if you could give your take on the Orest indicator. I've been asking around but the consensus is "hedged" (I know, it's a bad joke). I see that from previous posts that you had some bad results from the earlier versions. I like the Orest indicator for it's consiceness, but won't touch it with a bardge pole if it isn't up to scratch. With great thanks RedPadisha

The Orest indic is a very very powerful tool. I think it is the best in the world right now. Nothing compares to it. Thanks to Orest. However, traders who want to use it, first must understand how to use it for maximum results, second should practice with it for at least a month. Then i would say you are up for good pipping.

I was not really following closely the development but i know it is now version 14 and i am using that to see a picture of currency movement before i make a trade. The bad results i had has nothing to do with Orest indic, i do a lot of experiment on my platform. It keeps me abreast with all the possibilities of trading. My suggestion is to go indepth and really study from the 1st post to the last of that thread for you to feel the struggle that Orest encountered in the development of it then and only then you can appreciate such an a unique indicator.



Thanks bro!

Hi sweetjoshan, Basket_Indicator and ProfitChart are both Indicators. The most flexible lot sizing comes at Oanda but then you do not have the ability to use ProfitProtect EA or BuyALL SellALL scripts for trade entry. I think FXDD may offer micro lots which is as small as you will get on a metatrader broker. Not sure about the others. I made one quick trade last night that resulted in about a 5% increase in equity. Haven't figured the pips out yet.
The Orest indic is a very very powerful tool. I think it is the best in the world right now. Nothing compares to it. Thanks to Orest. However, traders who want to use it, first must understand how to use it for maximum results, second should practice with it for at least a month. Then i would say you are up for good pipping. I was not really following closely the development but i know it is now version 14 and i am using that to see a picture of currency movement before i make a trade. The bad results i had has nothing to do with Orest indic, i do a lot of experiment on my platform. It keeps me abreast with all the possibilities of trading. My suggestion is to go indepth and really study from the 1st post to the last of that thread for you to feel the struggle that Orest encountered in the development of it then and only then you can appreciate such an a unique indicator. Julius

Thank you Julius, your help is as always invaluable.

I'm not a native speaker and do have some trouble to really get the way to trade with that system. Would love to test it out!Could maybe anyone post an example trade? With pics would be great and maybe just explain the system in an easy, step by step way?Would be amazing if anyone could help me out here! Thanks!Greets TraderOnTheWay.What should I buy or sell here? :

Thanks so much for all the support. Helped me out alot!

Just need to know if the indicator (see picture) is showing "Long"...does that mean that I need to go long for all the 14 pairs or is it indicating to go long on the 2 pairs which are right at the "middle line" (position 7 and 8)?

Would also love to know if there is any EA that makes it possible to enter 14 trades at one time?


Wow, you guys been doing a renovation, so clean in here now.

Hey traderontheway, to open all the 14 trades you need



You put these into your scripts folder in metatrader.

They can also be found on the thread located at

Simple Trading Method with trader101

Sorry I'm relatively new to the method so I don't feel entitled to comment on trades, but as Julius was pointing out earlier, one should first learn the original Indicator Account (IA) method before using the more advanced tools, if you go through the above thread, read the latest pdf summarising

the method, observe and practice with the IA, then do that with the Orest and other indicators, it will all come naturally ...... well that is just the way I see it.

Hope that helps somewhat


P.S I know how difficult it is to read infomation in another language, I frequently use Google to translate sites and documents from Polish and Russian to English, maybe you can do the same with your language, just a thought.


Hey Guys,

Traderontheway -- sorry if you've been neglected. I can look at your screenshot and tell you the you should go Long because the lower timeframes and the weekly are saying Long. However, I cannot be for certain I would have to know where it's coming from. It's very hard to tell you what the trade call would be without watching it live. I hope you understand. My suggestion is to demo trade it based on your interpretation. It won't take long for you to see if you are reading it right or wrong.

My Weekly Performance: I traded 14 times this week and was 13 out of 14, adding 50% equity to my account. I tend to not ride the trades for massive pips like others but tend to get a couple of hundred pips here or there and maybe one or two trades worth 400 - 500 pips. This method has so many layers and the only way to peel the onion is to trade it. Thanks again Julius!!

Hmmmm, maybe I'll make a run to Costco with my earnings. Tazo green tea is calling my name.

Hey Guys, Traderontheway -- sorry if you've been neglected. I can look at your screenshot and tell you the you should go Long because the lower timeframes and the weekly are saying Long. However, I cannot be for certain I would have to know where it's coming from. It's very hard to tell you what the trade call would be without watching it live. I hope you understand. My suggestion is to demo trade it based on your interpretation. It won't take long for you to see if you are reading it right or wrong. My Weekly Performance: I traded 14 times this week and was 13 out of 14, adding 50% equity to my account. I tend to not ride the trades for massive pips like others but tend to get a couple of hundred pips here or there and maybe one or two trades worth 400 - 500 pips. This method has so many layers and the only way to peel the onion is to trade it. Thanks again Julius!! Hmmmm, maybe I'll make a run to Costco with my earnings. Tazo green tea is calling my name.

You can follow my sytem but not my Costco pitch..That is exclusive to me. Until Costco give my endorsement fee.. Jeff, i am always inspired for any trader making good in this system, even more if they told me a new submethod they are discovering every time. Wow 50% of your equity. Like doubling your account in two weeks. If this continues you are millionaire in not so distant future.

You are right some people ride on their trade including myself, reason being that i hate starting a new trade. New trade is always stressful. Also Im greedy, i dont like to give spread money to the broker.

I just made a little over $2000 this week something like 2200 pips. besides all the problem i encounter this week with my broker. Still i will be going to Costco and putting gas to my SUV. LOL Have a nice weekend all.



T101 and Jeff,

You guy are inspirational. I have been following the thread off and on (despite my day job) and feel compelled to post. I especially like Jeff's mentality of not being too greedy. Just taking what the market gives you (couple of hundred pips here and there) and in time it compounds itself. Way to go Jeff!!!! and Julius, thanks for such a great system. I plan on carving out some time on a daily basis to demo trade this. Thanks again for sharing with all of us who have been struggling to defeat the Forex monster.


Hello folks,

I attached this PM to me by one of the reader who wont go away. It is easy to get annoyed but i will let you decide. Do you think he has the right to demand, merely because he is a busy person and dont want to waste his time. Meaning he want me to waste my time because he dont want to loss his time. Below are the PMs.


All people who who to share a system on this forum are required to provide a clear description of it otherwise it makes everyone lost time. That's the first basic rule of this forum.


Originally Posted by trader101


Originally Posted by Mark53

Hi Julius,

Why haven't you regrouped all your information in your very first post? I can't spend weeks trying to understand a system if I'm not even sure it's reliable... Almost 99% of the systems described on this forum are losing money. All I was asking you is to describe me in a few words the logics behind your method, because I don't even understand your first post... Maybe you had a nice idea.


Originally Posted by trader101
Originally Posted by Mark53
Hi Julius,

Tell me, are you the author of the 14 pair hedging method? Could you explain me the logics behind it? I can't see clear rules on the threads.

Thanks in advance,

Yes I am and nice meeting you. It is not hedging it is called Basket Trading Strategy.

You have to brush through all the availabe thread to really know the sytem. I took me months to explain to the world. Do you really want me to spend months again just to explain it to you? Do you want fries to come with it??? Just kidding.

Just forget this sytem, this is not for you. Just move on to the next one. I know you are busy man, more busy than the rest of us. Forget it, its not reliable. Dont bother.


You will learn far more from the journey itself than by having someone spell out everything about the system to you. Do not forsake the process of discovery. Mark53, you will be a far better trader if you set out to figure everything out for yourself instead of asking it to be served up on a silver platter.

If you cannot accept that, I suggest you go give your money to a money manager or buy an EA. But please do not continue to harass people with questions that show you have not done one bit of self-study.