Kolachi Method of Trading - page 19



Yes wma5 is Linear Weighted moving average commonly called wma.

CCI is Commodity Channel Index which tell us over bought and over sold conditions.


Hello there. thanks for sharing some wisdom. what is 5wma and cci. Is it a weighted MA?? Thanks!

Weekly Performance

Month:April, 2007

Week:18-25th day

Equity Change: +0.78%

Pips Pefromance:+290 pips



Weekly Performance

Month:April/May, 2007

Week:25-02nd day

Equity Change: +1.56%

Pips Pefromance:+560 pips



Hi All,

I placed trades in euroyen, euro, yen, aussie and a few in able.Most of the week was focussed on euroyen.Here is one chart showing my trades.

This shows only long trades taken in euroyen.The blue triangles show entry and other triangles show exit.The green lines show TP.



Hi, been following this thread but am still not sure about the signal strategy. I understand we place an entry on change of slope of 5wma but why then do we wait for a pullback to 21ema? Why not just exit on next change of slope? Also, as I understand it, if it repulses it then begins to continue in the original direction of the trade entry, so why exit then?

As one trader mentioned earlier it would be very helpful if we could see a chart with text pointing out the mechanics of the strategy. A detailed picture would be very helpful.

Appollogies if the above questions have already been addressed.



Perhaps you are mixing up slope change and repulsion.Please re read this thread again.I am posting few charts which may help you.


Hi, been following this thread but am still not sure about the signal strategy. I understand we place an entry on change of slope of 5wma but why then do we wait for a pullback to 21ema? Why not just exit on next change of slope? Also, as I understand it, if it repulses it then begins to continue in the original direction of the trade entry, so why exit then? As one trader mentioned earlier it would be very helpful if we could see a chart with text pointing out the mechanics of the strategy. A detailed picture would be very helpful. Appollogies if the above questions have already been addressed.
e3h08012007.jpg  35 kb

Another chart.


e3h19032007.jpg  29 kb

Entry on repulsion from ema21.


e3h21122006.jpg  27 kb

Thank you Kolachi for taking the time to explain. This has made it clearer and I look forward to trading this strategy.


Hi again kolachi, where can I gain access to your kolachi 2 method of trading? My reason for asking is because I have a daily job and this method may be more suitable.