Kolachi Method of Trading - page 14


Was just googling stuff about forex and I came along with this site. Saw a thread about Kolachi Method and because I consider myself a kolachi trader I decided to take a look. when I read the words Kolachi and Charlatan associated with each other I felt like someone have punched me in the stomach.

To that guy that called Kolachi a charlatan:

- Get a life and reduce yourself to your insignificance. Despite everything bad that you can say about Kolachi, Kolachi Method and Kolachi Traders, we will continue to succeed, learn and make pips for the rest of our lifes.

I believe I'm the guy that kolachi mentioned previously that did more than 900 pips in a week.

I can't say that everything I know was learned at Kolachi site, but great part of it was. The rest, I learned because kolachi and kolachi method inspired me to seek all kinds of knowledge regarding Technical Anaysis and all that requires a lot of self studying and lots of chart time, thus, its not directly associated with Kolachi's website...

If you want to see charts, instead of blowing your money on forex accounts, pay the subscription and join the private forum.

To kolachi:

-we kolachi traders know that those words aren't true. I believe it must be very sad to you to read those kinds of stuff after everything you did to teach us to become succesfull traders. Looks like having to read those kinds of crap once in a while is the price you have to pay for your success has a trader and teacher.




I'm the guy who called you a charlaten. Let me say I am sorry. I apologize. Instead of calling names, let me directly state my thoughts.

I find it difficult to believe the results you are posting averaging over 350 pips a week over a 22 week period without a single losing week.

I say this because I have never met any real trader who claimed or proved to make this kind of profit except you and some exaggerated advertisements for trading programs for sale.

And since you said in your first post you didn't want any money you only want to help people. I became more suspicious when you later directed many people to your website where you ask for a fee.

I believe if something is too good to be true, it must not be true.

It seemed to me you were posting these fabulous profit numbers and then directing people to your website where you ask for money.

Again, I am sorry for calling you names. I didn't have any proof of you being a fraud therefore it was wrong for me to call you names.

I am still skeptical though of the kind of profits you are claiming.

My apologies.


The kolachi method can earn you big gains if the system is adhered to, so I don't doubt for a moment that Mr. Kolachi earns any less than he states.

I trade conservatively so I take small profits and try to protect my equity. I had 27 trades last week with only 4 losing trades. The losing trades were at the end of the week when I bacame over confident and traded outside of the kolachi trading system. The losses I had in 4 trades wiped out my week's earnings. I was up over 200 pips for the week and it was a breeze but I became greedy, stupid, and blinded by my own success.



Fellow ftraderx,

its allways a noble thing when someone recognizes his mistake. Sorry for my rude words to you, but what was written about kolachi was at least unaceptable for me.

You are right on one thing, it looks too good to be true, but the fact is, it is true. Like you, a couple of months ago, I was questioning myself about if it was worthy to spend some bucks into kolachi's site, now I can say that, for me, it was more than worthy.




It is your greatness that you wrote this post.

I usually try to remain calm and composed but after all I am a human being and sometimes lose my control.That is why I wrote few posts in your response.I am sorry for it.

Regarding your question about no losing week, I must clarify that i trade bi directional and do not use stops but rely on Money Management.The worst come worst I have to face a zero pip week if I have used all my allowable margin and no trade has come up in my way.You can witness few weeks in my performance log which contain zero pips.

Honestly speaking I am not satisfied with my perfromance since few months because I have engaged myself in other matters like Kolachi Gold and Kolachi Surfing websites.I used to average 500-700 pips a week and now i am down to 200-300 pips.Many a times I take myself to task when I am alone about my poor perfomrance and on fruitless distractions.

Once again I am sorry for being rude in earlier response,


Kolachi, I'm the guy who called you a charlaten. Let me say I am sorry. I apologize. Instead of calling names, let me directly state my thoughts. I find it difficult to believe the results you are posting averaging over 350 pips a week over a 22 week period without a single losing week. I say this because I have never met any real trader who claimed or proved to make this kind of profit except you and some exaggerated advertisements for trading programs for sale. And since you said in your first post you didn't want any money you only want to help people. I became more suspicious when you later directed many people to your website where you ask for a fee. I believe if something is too good to be true, it must not be true. It seemed to me you were posting these fabulous profit numbers and then directing people to your website where you ask for money. Again, I am sorry for calling you names. I didn't have any proof of you being a fraud therefore it was wrong for me to call you names. I am still skeptical though of the kind of profits you are claiming. My apologies.

ftraderx....that took some real integrity. I understand where you are coming from. Thanks for being so honest and true.

Kolachi...thanks for your words. You did nothing wrong as well. Anyway, I am interested in learning this system to see how it works and if it can help in my trading. Is this a system that requires constant monitoring of the charts? But anyway...I am starting to read this thread from the beginning to understand a little more....

If I could earn 100 to 200 pips a week...I would kiss Kolachi... But I also do not want to become a slave to the charts...every minute of every day being spent monitoring them...but that is what I am trying to figure out. I too am a family man, and I want my children and wife and dog to know who I am.

That's enough gibberish from me.

Please advise me Kolachi.





Thanks for your interest and kind words.

Kolachi Method is valid on all time frames.Those traders who use 4H charts or daily charts hardly need to stick to charts in Koalchi Method.

Kolachi Method 2 is specifiaclly designed for those who position trade and believe in big profits and less monitoring.

I must say Koalchi method is no panacea in itself but personal efforts and proper use of method gives you success.


ftraderx....that took some real integrity. I understand where you are coming from. Thanks for being so honest and true. Kolachi...thanks for your words. You did nothing wrong as well. Anyway, I am interested in learning this system to see how it works and if it can help in my trading. Is this a system that requires constant monitoring of the charts? But anyway...I am starting to read this thread from the beginning to understand a little more.... If I could earn 100 to 200 pips a week...I would kiss Kolachi... But I also do not want to become a slave to the charts...every minute of every day being spent monitoring them...but that is what I am trying to figure out. I too am a family man, and I want my children and wife and dog to know who I am. That's enough gibberish from me. Please advise me Kolachi. Thanks, BP

Hi Mr Kolachi,

Usually when you put the entry?? Immediately after the slope was formed or you wait for 2 or 3 bars was formed after the slope?

And beside of GU,what else currency is very suitable with your method?

Very sorry with these kind of questions. I'm still new....thanks!



No need to be sorry.I like question and to answer them.

It dpeneds on the place where we are entering.However, thumb rule is that we place entry once slope change is confirmed.When a bar which caused slope change is closed, and new bar opens we enter a trader.This sort of entry is usally on repulsion fom a higher ema.

In case of pullback entry, we may enter before the slope change confirmation.When wma5 is flat, we try to enter in the market at Koalchi Price.

Kolachi Method is valid on all currencies and commodities.Atleast I personally have used it on aussie,kiwi,all yen crosses,euro, swissie,cable,gold and silver.

There were three threads of Koalchi Method on Forex Factory but few days back they were destroyed by FF guys because they dislike word "kolachi".Indeed they were a great source of free instruction to traders.After destruction of Bunnygirl thread, destruction of Koalchi Threads is really a tragedy.

Now only fxfisherman is the source for free instruction on Koalchi Methods.


Hi Mr Kolachi,Usually when you put the entry?? Immediately after the slope was formed or you wait for 2 or 3 bars was formed after the slope? And beside of GU,what else currency is very suitable with your method? Very sorry with these kind of questions. I'm still new....thanks!

why did they destroy Bunnygirl and kolachi? That seems ridiculous?

Thanks for the advise above...will start looking at kolachi.