Kolachi Method of Trading - page 21



do you have a PDF file for this system.


Peace Lover


Thanks Kolachi for sharing your method for free on all these popular fx boards. And since your system is a good one, your name will be remembered for quite long

About the method, I think it works with all pairs. What abt it scalping feature in regards to spreads? In that case, I mean do u scalp the cable also? or just the pairs with lowest spreads?



Peace Lover,

Infact a book on Kolachi Method of Trading is in process.That is why I havent shared any pdf till now.However, I have shared basics of my method on forums and a little home work on part of traders can make them profitable in this great endeavour of forex trading.



Peace Lover:
kolachi,do you have a PDF file for this system. ThanksPeace Lover

Hi bossxero,

I appreciate your kind words for me and KM.

Yes Kolachi Method works on all forex pairs and commodities.I have personally traded all yen pairs, major USD pairs, popular crosses, gold and silver.

Regarding scalping, i prefer to use pairs with tight spreads as it is of no use to risk 7-10 pips on GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY, EUR/CAd or EUR/AUD and earn pips equal to or less than the spread itslef.In scalping tight spread is a great edge which we need to be successful in forex.If we risk 7 pips, then we need toearn 7 pips to keep RR atleast at break even.The tighter the spread the better RR we get.

However, as Kolachi Method is equally valid on time frames like 1M or 5 M.So trading these TFs results in scalping ultimately as slope of wma5 changes quite frequently on small TFs and we bag pips on each koalchi cycle.



Thanks Kolachi for sharing your method for free on all these popular fx boards. And since your system is a good one, your name will be remembered for quite long About the method, I think it works with all pairs. What abt it scalping feature in regards to spreads? In that case, I mean do u scalp the cable also? or just the pairs with lowest spreads? Regards

Hi Kolachi

Thanks for your reply which are always precise and clear. You should know that people like you, who like for others what they like for themselves, are very FEW!! Indeed, God will bless you for the blessing you are doing to others by helping them.

There is a precise post of yours which I quite appreciated. It was about the cycles, the way you presented it as a universal occuring, happening on and on. I woule like to add something to it.

You will notice that this constant circumbulation of matters occurs on and on. We also see this happening to use when we were still a sperm cell. Sperm circumbulate around the ovule. And all these are circumbulating in an anti clockwise direction, same for the Earth around the Sun.

Now let me come to the point, have you seen muslims circumbulating around the Kaaba? They are respecting this universal nature of existence, circumbulating around the House of God in an anti-clockwise direction as directed by the Almighty Himself.

I liked particular the phrase that you said, man should be circumbulating around his Creator but he is defiant in Nature, and I totally agree with it. But we muslims, we are doing it. We are doing what we are designed to do. Hope that brings anyone who reads this to some reflection.

I know its a little off-topic, but I had to say it.

All the best in you kind endeavour.

Peace Lover,Infact a book on Kolachi Method of Trading is in process.That is why I havent shared any pdf till now.However, I have shared basics of my method on forums and a little home work on part of traders can make them profitable in this great endeavour of forex trading. regards, kolachi

Thanks Kolachi, for this methord. I have seen the post on the theards but for some reason I cannot cut and past from Internet Explore into MS Word, the fact is I cannot simple cut and past period. I have given up hope for this thing to be fixed soon. So I will just wait for the PDF.


Peace out


Hi Boss,

Thanks for highlighting this important relegio-social aspect.I am a worthless man to speak about the Ultimate Personality called God.

I can only say that He manifests Himself in the Nature throughout this universe in a same fashion from a pulsating meson in the heart of a nucleus to a pulsating monster of the universe called galaxy.

We witness strange discipline in every phenomenon of the universe we live and the universe we carry (our body is universe of cells).This same discipline is direly needed in our lives as well as in our trading if we want to be successful humans and traders.


Hi Kolachi Now let me come to the point, have you seen muslims circumbulating around the Kaaba? They are respecting this universal nature of existence, circumbulating around the House of God in an anti-clockwise direction as directed by the Almighty Himself.
Hi Kolachi Thanks for your reply which are always precise and clear. You should know that people like you, who like for others what they like for themselves, are very FEW!! Indeed, God will bless you for the blessing you are doing to others by helping them. There is a precise post of yours which I quite appreciated. It was about the cycles, the way you presented it as a universal occuring, happening on and on. I woule like to add something to it. You will notice that this constant circumbulation of matters occurs on and on. We also see this happening to use when we were still a sperm cell. Sperm circumbulate around the ovule. And all these are circumbulating in an anti clockwise direction, same for the Earth around the Sun. Now let me come to the point, have you seen muslims circumbulating around the Kaaba? They are respecting this universal nature of existence, circumbulating around the House of God in an anti-clockwise direction as directed by the Almighty Himself. I liked particular the phrase that you said, man should be circumbulating around his Creator but he is defiant in Nature, and I totally agree with it. But we muslims, we are doing it. We are doing what we are designed to do. Hope that brings anyone who reads this to some reflection. I know its a little off-topic, but I had to say it. All the best in you kind endeavour.

Circumbulating, circumbulation are not words. The correct word is circumambulate which means to move in a circle on foot (walk in a circle around something) usually in a ritualistic manner.

This kind of ignorance and stupidity is why people strap bombs on their body and circumbulate innocent people to death.

And why do religious kooks always use bold print or all capital letters in statements?

Salmon Rushdie rules!


Bold is my style, you dont like it, then go somewhere else or to some other posts. Dont come here to pollute a wonderful thread by your foolish flame wars. Maybe you are forgetting that those people strapping bombs on themselves got nothing more in their hands except these, these people saw their entire family blown into pieces by missiles and mortars. God gave you two eyes, so dont make as if you got only one. When you watch a football match, I dont think you just stare at only one team or only half of the playground, this would be stupid, isnt it? Then thats the same, watch both teams then you will be able to have a better view on whats happening. Hey pal, next time be more realistic when you talk. If you want to discuss it, open a topic the appropriate section and PM me. I will be delighted to set you right.

BTW, check your post again, while trying to correct me Mr English fool, you commited the same mistake. Go and live your fantasy with your Satanic Rushdie Master.

Dont bother post your foolish posts here again else i will report to the mod.

My sincere appology to Kolachi. I regret what that guy just posted here. You have a wonderful thread, so lets keep it clean. You can report my post and ask for it to be deleted it you want.

Circumbulating, circumbulation are not words. The correct word is circumambulate which means to move in a circle on foot (walk in a circle around something) usually in a ritualistic manner. This kind of ignorance and stupidity is why people strap bombs on their body and circumbulate innocent people to death. And why do religious kooks always use bold print or all capital letters in statements? Salmon Rushdie rules!


Salmon is a fish and I never knew fish rule.

If you were talking about Salman then i have heard of him.He is Sir Rushdie by the British and Satan Rushdie by Khomeni.What a contrast in titles.

In short, all saints will die and all satans will die, and wont die the only One who is creator of the both.


Salmon Rushdie rules!