Harmonic & Time - page 3


you can upload a 15 minute chart is Jpeg format, you can right click your chart and click "save picture as".. then save it. i have uploaded the criteria in post #10


upload a chart when point "D" is on the price level of point "B" marked by a blue line on image below. i will determine the possible retracement level it will land the the possible time zone for it to be high probability... you should upload it quickly because sometimes price will move fast, that is why i prefer at least 15 minute chart for me to analyze it.. here is the clearer criteria.. this is a but pattern, for sell, just invert the image.

requirement.png  20 kb

EUR USD WAS SUCCESSFUL, 3 tests at 88.6 confirms reversal in time zone. since 886 was the entry, stop was at 100%.about 7 pips.. now + 17 pips.

price action is impt. often a 3X test on a fibb. level inside the "time zone" confirms reversal!!! COOL! 1 2 3 is marked in picture

sc-2.png  34 kb

i followed this, was slightly late to react, but i confirmed it. nice trade again. i sold a 78.6%. but now already 1:2. closed my trade..


A possible buy pattern is forming on eur usd. waiting for point D to touch B... hopefully...


wait -----------------

ht.png  26 kb

Point D penetrated Point B last night.. traded before i slept...buy pattern was successfull ... 50pips overnight.. just woke up and hit TP... it was an 88.6 bounce. double bottom at time zone.. good morning

eu2.png  63 kb

the point "C" that you marked in the chart was the time that price was supposed to reverse Up in my time zone... it formed a double bottom at 88.6. so that triggered my entry. i entered the bar after that.. stop only 6 pips (at 100& retracement). im now waiting for sell pattern like you.. but the buy last night was great.. generated approx RR=1:9


you were sleeping during a trade of 6 stop??? hahaha. another cool forecast last night sir!!

you were sleeping during a trade of 6 stop??? hahaha. another cool forecast last night sir!!

thanks, i was suppose to enter at 100% retracement if it reaches that point during the time zone... but only double bottom at 88.6..

ofcourse i moved my STOP to BE before i slept... and partially closed a position that time..