Harmonic & Time - page 44

Yes, it does but ###ZUP_v113wsv43 has a rank system.

it first searches for classical patterns, if nothing found then,

searches for shark pattern, if nothing found then,

searches for cypher pattern, if nothing found then,

searches for navarro200 pattern, and goes on....

But you can choose patterns that you want to be detected by a simple search true/false switch

Hi Grandaevus

Fibo levels for Navarro200 pattern ? Do you share it?


zup_135 alert does not signal every pattern is has. for example when i add it on the chart and set extplayalert on true.

it skips the there is a new zzigzag line drawn. but it wont always aletr for every new pattern found. so still i need to sit infront of the screen to wait for the pattern to arive.

if possible could someone fix this. so that once extplayalert is set on true. it will give a signal when a new pattern is found.

thank you