Trading (training) videos ...


A thread for free videos by some experts that might be useful ...

This a Lindra Raskes "Classic Indicators - Back to the Future" :


Trading With the Multiple Moving Average ...

Trading With the Multiple Moving Average (usually better known as Guppy moving averages)


Make More Money by Trading Smaller ...

Useful for all interested in money management

A comment by the presenter :

Often trading smaller amounts can be more productive than making larger trades. In either case, the real secret is to be consistent.

John Bollinger on How to Improve Trading Odds

John Bollinger on How to Improve Trading Odds


William Greenspan - Day Trading Made Simple

William Greenspan - Day Trading Made Simple


Larry Williams on Percent (%) R Indicator ...

Larry Williams on Percent (%) R Indicator ...

Larry Williams Percent (%) R Indicator - YouTube

PS: (a big PS) When watching the video always keep in mind that Williams % Ratio +100 == Stochastic (with slowing set to 1 - at least that is in metatrader. If you take a look at the values at the vide, you will see that it is exactly the same as stochastic 0 to 100 ranges ). Since Stochastic oscillator originates from 1950s (promoted by George Lane) but was know even before 1950s the statement that % R is "invented" in 1966 is a bit "overreacting" ... Anyway since stochastic is a useful indicator none can deny that % R is useful too, it might be worth as an additional info about both to see this video

PPS: embedded disabled for this video hence a direct link at youtube


John Bollinger - The Right Way to Trade Bollinger Bands

John Bollinger - The Right Way to Trade Bollinger Bands. Worth watching since the author himself claims that it should not be traded the way 90% are trying to do


Oliver Velez: The Power of the 20-day MA ...

Oliver Velez: The Power of the 20-day MA ...


Rahul Mohindar webinar

FreeRahul Mohindar webinar - The RMO, May 9, 2012

Registration here : MetaStock Webinars - Equis International

Some more information about Rahul Mohindar oscillator (with code and some more) here :

Useful for all interested in money management

A comment by the presenter :

Thank you for this useful information. I will use it wisely

Thank you for this useful information. I will use it wisely

Money management is very important for anyone who is effectively looking for a consistent earnings from the Forex Business.

Over a period of time we need to reduce the risks per order and maximize the gains per order.