Trading (training) videos ... - page 205


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (Mar 03, 2015)

Hey forex traders, today's strategy session starts with a fundemental discussion about recent economic news. We also review some currency pair charts using technical analysis. Lastly, I answer some questions from attendee about how to setup a trade, pull the trigger and place a stop.


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (Mar 04, 2015)

Today we scalped the ADP employment report and the end of our forex strategy session. We started with a review of Gold, Oil, SP500 and FTSE. I also discuss some little known supply side data for the oil industry that came from a major bank. Lastly, we discuss the Federal Reserve Banking System and the Beige Book is a quick 4 min economics lesson for forex traders.


Nice videos mate!

I really appreciate it


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (Mar 05, 2015)

Today we review many of our swing trades that have begun to pay off. Some are just starting their 500 pip journeys. We setup eur/usd, gbp/usd, nzd/usd, aud/usd and sp500.