Trading (training) videos ... - page 224


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (May 12, 2015)

We start with a EUR/USD short trade. $457.50 in 30 mins. It was a binary option trade based on technical analysis of the spot forex market.

We also had a discussion on relative strength on AUD/NZD, EUR/GBP, CHF/JPY which are traditionally highly correlated pairs. GBP/USD, EUR/USD and SP500 also reviewed for trade plans.


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (May 13, 2015)

We start with a head and shoulders review, but the Forex Trader Q&A lead us into a great overview of how to use the Metatrader forex trading platform efficiently and effectively.

Watch the video for MT4 Tips, Tricks & Trader Tutorial.


Forex Trade Strategy Session by TradersWay (May 14, 2015)

How do you know when your trade plan failed and how do you adjust? This open ended 90 minute discussion with our forex trading community reviews how to handle all kinds of forex trading mistakes.