Ras id:31495 cash cow - page 15


I do not know sorry.

Ask him.

This our discussion is going about the different things (it is not about the performane of his signal).

Please fix the system as fast and quickly as possible, our patience is growing thin.

My patience is grawing thin too.

You are having 29 usernames on your IP ...

You know that according to RAS concept: any vendor can start any system/signal and stop it in any time and he/she (vendor) can trade in the way he/she wants.

I am going to ban you as I do not like aggressive people.

One more time to remind - if one of your 29 usernames will spread your aggression on our international forum - I will ban all your 29 usernames.

I do not like aggressive people spreaded their aggression internationally just for fun or to satisfy their so called mentality (which is nothing with national mentality and it is simple criminal mentality).


Now I knew it

Was the problem caused by changing the broker with open trade?

Now it became clear. I thought it was caused by RAS system error, and I blamed RAS so far.

Thanks NG for clarifying it.




Control your subcrubers in anyway, or go away.

This discusion was started because of you: you changed the broker with open trades.


i will not respond here any more before the two weeks end,

i need to Concentrate on my trades i am sorry.



Good business you started ...

You are making money and I am receiving shit from your subscribers for free the second day already?!!!

I am suggesting to you to go to live support for explanation. Otherwise, as one of your people said

patience is growing thin

If you can not control your aggreessive subscribers spreaded their aggression internationally so - go away from this forum. I am not big boss in RAS but I am still moderator here and it is my section.

If not - I will ban you permanently from the forum.


There are some people which are spreaded their aggression internationally telling that "it is our national mentality". I had enough such PMs in past and email messages in past (before RAS and so on). They can not do it inside their country. They prefer to do it internationally enjoying the situation and telling that "it is our national menality". It is not national mentality. It is criminalized mentality. But when I catch them for their inadequate international actions so they can easy tell that it is because I (I, you, anyone) am not a reprecentative of their nationality having different mentality.


Control your subcrubers in anyway, or go away.

This discusion was started because of you: you changed the broker with open trades.

I do not know sorry.

Ask him.

This our discussion is going about the different things (it is not about the performane of his signal).

Indeed I'm asking him/her (post #140) but up to now no answer....



Indeed I'm asking him/her (post #140) but up to now no answer....



Just I will finish my posting here and he will come I think

I do not think that he will stop this signal.


martin hell (martingale)

hi tal,

I will use your own words that you wrote to me:

don't worry martin hell will blowout your account sooner or later,

45% DD one more push and you got margin call.



I am sure you will come up with very good excuse... ;-)

tal.jpg  106 kb

Just some important updates:



It was some explanation about 3 reasons why the vendors are changing the accounts or broker - check few pages back.

Because if the vendor changed account/broker to new one, and if he has open trades on old account, so RAS EA (attached to the chart with new account) can not see those trades looking on the account history at Metatrader's new acount, and closing those trades with no closed price. Closed price is this case is having the label as "-".


There are 3 reasons why the vendors are doing it:

1. VPS issue

2. demo expiration, or broker's actions against demo account;

3. hide the losses.

So, 2 reasons are normal one: vendor should say "sorry" and check the situation, and make some preparation to avoid such the problems in the future (change VPS, select the broker in more careful way, etc). One reason (hide the losses) is very very bad reason.


I am not sure but I think that this vendor is having one of those 2 reasons. So, it is just an ethical situation more than "hide the losses".


When I do mistake so I am telling

"sorry, I will not do it anymore, please - excuse me".

Beause we all are human beings and we all are doing mistakes.

But there are some other people which never said "sorry" and they are telling that it is their national mentality because they are more civilized than I am or you are ...

And if I see that they can not spread their theory inside their country being affraid for police or whatsoever, but they are doing it in international worlds so sorry.

There are a lot of good and honest members from Afganistan here, we are having some members from Sudan and so on. But do you know the countries of the persons which made the posts in r*cism/anti-am*ricanism way or on the border with it with inadequate aggressive behavior? Afganistan, Sudan, Iran?


They are from West Europe, the US and depeloped Asian countries.

It is my statistics for moderating the forum for 5 years.


Because I woke up in the morning yesterday and saw the posts that I am idiot. Today - I woke up in the morning the same people are telling that "our patience is growing thin". Tomorrow so they are going to kill, right?

It is internaional world, and people must be responsible for any things related to inadequate aggressive behavior/r*cism/anti-am*ricanism spreaded internaionally.


please demo

Hi Tal,

I am a subscriber, I don't understand what I have to do now.

Do I have to wait two weeks like all the others that follow this thread?

Do you know if I can freeze the subscription for this period?

As I already told I can't PM you, so please contact me to better explain what you think to do for your subcribers.



hey janus,

please open new demo account and plugin my signals for two weeks,

i want you to feel comfortable before going live,

if signal are good for the next two weeks please continue with me.

