Tic_Tac Great Idea No More Guessing!!! - page 39


5 successful trades......big deal. You were in them for a long time too given the swap. SO click and pray is your grail? Reminds me of the old roadrunner cartoons with Wile E Coyote....he was a genius too. Till he fell of the cliff.... Who's your broker? Acme?

Had to add this: I see you were in one trade for 2 weeks to make 31 pips.....nice going genius...That is all your trades for 1 month I see from the dates.

Here is my live statement for this week so far trading 1/2 a mini per position....maybe this will shut you up finally, but then again I doubt it...

Lol, i used to love those roadrunner cartoons!


hi tic tac

i like more ciclest tic tac indicator than perfect machine...


Only time will tell... Stick around

zipfrog and Igor: Don't make fun of yourself. If you understand that

Perfect Machine was designed to be used on EURUSD AND AUDUSD ONLY.

However, I am in the process of expanding to other currencies (just like USDJPY), which WAS NOT DESIGNED TO BE USED FOR I may be off

because of optimization reasons.

If you see the EURUSD AND AUDUSD, you will see the orders closed

beautifully. But when I chose other currencies I may be off a bit

until I validate in the optimal parameters just like a did with the 2 currencies

Perfect Machine was designed for.

It won't take me long since I discovered my idea is universal but still

I am applying it to new currencies which may suffer a bit on timing.

That explain the reason for the 2 weeks pending (which is like a testing on other currencies) that's all, don't excite yourself spitting words without

understanding was is going on behind the scenes.

Now Igor if you see eurusd and audusd and the last order and if you are at the PROPER TIMEFRAME, and how this idea works then you will see it hit

right on the spot. My idea detects areas in the market where change in direction is mandatory (it may go against AROUND 60 pips) and ONCE PERFECT MACHINE DETECTS A HIGH PROBABILITY AREA IT WILL ALWAYS CHANGE DIRECTION. It may take some time for the market to change because of noise but it always do.

As I said before, USDJPY took more time to change because I am in the process of experimenting with other currency and when you are experimenting with something new (this case a new currency) it may be off

on precision that's all. But since I am discovering that my idea is universal

and the difference among currencies is not that much, with time you will see

the pending losses will be much less with non EURUSD/AUDUSD currencies.

To summarized everything just said the equity rise will be a little rocky at the beginning until I finish my Perfect Machine "expansion to other currencies", however, will always increase. Let's see igor/zipfrog if I am just lucky or is it accuracy, only TIME WILL TELL so stick around.jajajaj




just give me a number

Igor/zip just give me a number...how many perfect trades you 2 want to see?

Lucky jajajaja randomness jajaja you wish Igor

Igor I thought you were an intelligent guy but spitting words without understanding something sound to me like pava. jajajaj

I guess I was wrong jajajja



jajaja....I think Igor hit the nail right on the spot and you got nothing to cover it....


Perfect Machine Algorithm...enjoy

Perfect Machine is so precise than I know exactly with respect to time

(BY THE TICK) when exactly to enter an order with 99.99% accuracy which

means I hardly will lose any money, and everything will go color pink

(low dd,quick target reach,least amount of risk, even the noise hardly

slow me down, etc).

However, the more precise I want to be the less frequent I will open orders

(the trade-off I did talk about a while back), so more precision means less


But, that's not a problem because I just --ON PURPOSE or because I am not around the computer-- open an order

before or after the 99.9999% precision sweet spot and still make the target. It is just that

if I open an order before or after the sweet spot, the target reach won't

be as "beautiful" as... if I wait for exactly the 99.999% precision sweet spot.

In other words, I am trading off precision for frequency. But since Perfect

Machine is so incredibly accurate any order opened AWAY from the sweet spot

(as long as is not that far away) I can still make the target with

less accuracy but more frequent which in this case I am increasing

frequency and giving away precision.

That's the reason one will see sometimes "outliers" within the population of

tic_tac orders. In other words,

outliers=ugly (not so pinky orders that reached the tardget)=tic_tac trading-off accuracy for frequency

since I sometime want to make money even if the order closing doesn't look so "beautiful".

So if you see an ugly order the reason is (besides the "other currency expansion") is tic_tac

is just trading off accuracy for frequency. It is not that I am lucky jajajajjajajajajjajajajajaj

On the other hand, if want to make a killer move, I increase the lot and

wait exactly (tick-wise) for the 99.9999% sweet spot, and the make MARKET PAY BIG TIME.

Of course, to funny people like igor,pava it will sound like luck.jajjajajaj

Igor I hope you stick around, so you can see more of my luckiness...jajajajaja

Igor: I can assure you this is the closest thing to perfection you'll ever see in your forex career.

Got you more evidence, no stopping, no discontinuation but one COMPLETE REPORT from the start, just check date (of course there is always room

for excuses when face with a not so comfortable situation). Later on will publish my report for now enjoy hardcore evidence, (check date).

Igor: think you are a match to my Perfect Machine, keep watching!!

Now I understand why you say jajaja....You are a Rasta man who is smoking ganja...

That explains why you feel so happy with a crappy system and why you tap yourself on the back all the time...

The image shows your 4th trade.

The titlle of your topic is no more guessing and you claim to have a perfect machine .

That trade shows clearly that you are just wildly guessing and that your machine needs a lot of work before it gets even close to normal even not to speak about perfect.

The fact that you don't work with a S/L (going -176 pips the wrong way and no stoploss was triggered) to make 31pips on a position that you keep for 2 weeks?! will of course make that you have a very high hitrate. But we all know that sooner or later this will blow up your acount ( something like this JPY-1 System | Myfxbook ).

That 4th trade went -176pips in loss. You are trading a fixed 1 mini lot. That makes that at some point you were loosing -176$.

If that would have been you first trade your account balance from 200$ would be down to 24$. Or an open loss of -88!!%...tell me what is perfect about that?!.

Byye Ganjajaja man ...iGoR

PS. And the reports you show have no meaning because it does not show anything about your open floating losses.

Igor: I can assure you this is the closest thing to perfection you'll ever see in your forex career.

Got you more evidence, no stopping, no discontinuation but one COMPLETE REPORT from the start, just check date (of course there is always room

for excuses when face with a not so comfortable situation). Later on will publish my report for now enjoy hardcore evidence, (check date).

Igor: think you are a match to my Perfect Machine, keep watching!!

Now I understand why you say jajaja....You are a Rasta man who is smoking ganja...

That explains why you feel so happy with a crappy system and why you tap yourself on the back all the time...

The image shows your 4th trade.

The titlle of your topic is no more guessing and you claim to have a perfect machine .

That trade shows clearly that you are just wildly guessing and that your machine needs a lot of work before it gets even close to normal even not to speak about perfect.

The fact that you don't work with a S/L (going -176 pips the wrong way and no stoploss was triggered) to make 31pips on a position that you keep for 2 weeks?! will of course make that you have a very high hitrate. But we all know that sooner or later this will blow up your acount ( something like this JPY-1 System | Myfxbook ).

That 4th trade went -176pips in loss. You are trading a fixed 1 mini lot. That makes that at some point you were loosing -176$.

If that would have been you first trade your account balance from 200$ would be down to 24$. Or an open loss of -88!!%...tell me what is perfect about that?!.

Byye Ganjajaja man ...iGoR

PS. And the reports you show have no meaning because it does not show anything about your open floating losses.


I am removing this post as I don't even want to get drawn into this ridiculous thread.


Hi Tic_Tac,

Since you open this topic I do not see the value of it. Some people like Simba ( we respect each other for our trading wisdom) did see something in your trading method. To me it was as visible like "the moment you put in an observer the wave function collapse" as in the "heisenberg uncertainty principle".

This posting is my last posting in your topic. I'm going to stick to plain facts and no personal attacks or bashing or trying to post out of revenge or hate.

The reason that I sticked around a litlle bit is not for your system. Believe me. It wanted to see the technical characteristics of such a claim and such a system.

The titlle of your topic is: No more guessing. Then you claim to have develloped a perfect trading machine and with a 99.9% accuracy.

If you make such a claim (and if you are not willing to share your system with the people here on this forum) then at least give proof of your claims in a professional way ( if not then I suggest to send mails to yourself instead of posting on a public forum).

Poundering yourself on the back by showing a track record of 5 trades and afterwords saying that you are not going to trade some of the pairs that you trade now is not going to help you in a reliable way. Especially if 1 of those 5 trades would have been the first trade, it would have blown up your account already from the start.

If you want to give proof of your claim (no more guessing, perfect system, 99.9% accuracy) then in the future give a track record that also shows a T/P and S/L. If you say that you don't know the T/P in advance...OK. But make sure that there is a S/L from the very beginning that people can witness that is not bigger then the profit that you took or that in generall the S/L is SMALLER then the average profit you take. (connect your platform to a publisher. Somebody that does not want to show some things wants to hide something--remember you are making the claims).

There are plenty of systems out there that have very high hitrates but they do not work with a S/L. If you say that your system is perfect and is no more guessing then that means that if you take in a trade then it should go as good as immediatly in profit and not going 2,3,4,5 x times as much in the wrong direction as the size of your T/P.

Check out this link: MT Intelligence - Stats for globisforex

Go to the tab "chart" and scroll down in the quick list and go to very last option "Per symbol cumulative net pips at each order close". You will see "the perfect system". A hitrate that is in line with what you claim. He made 262!! winning trades and only 19 losing trades.

BUT that system burned the account completaly. Even that you don't see it on the chart because the author closed his platform and account.

If you look in his statement you will not any S/L's. Some of his positions went seriously the wrong direction before turning into profit ( that is simply guessing or gambling).

It is the same as you would claim to have found a perfect system on the roulette table (playing black or red) that does not need to guess anymore.

Your system is playing only on red but you ask to change the rules in such a way that the table needs to have 35 numbers in red and only 1 numbers who has black. Of course that you will have a winning system with a pay out that is equal to the loss.

Here on this forum you can nearly claim or do everything. But if you want to build up some credebility (even without sharing your system) then at least take the effort to proof something in a professional way. I know that most people here are newbies and believe everything you say. But don't take this whole forum as idiots.

Friendly regards and I hope that you do what you need to do and not what you want to do....


PS. If you want to refer to my system that my S/L is bigger then my T/P then just remember that I have never claimed to have the perfect system that is no more guessing.