Trading to win... - page 5



Walander...Spared us some grief?..Man,this guy is almost as fun as the oldies...(El Cid,Es,aleccoh and his quasimodos)....Almost ..he tries harder,to no avail. S

birds of feather f l uck together




Projection mechanism again???...You are a VERY slow learner

Boy,you are an open book ...Please spare us the details....just keep explaining us the general guidelines of your despicable life story,we may even cry a laugh or two


simba...if you paid any was about wall under's projections...just facts....would you like me to tell your family history ass well?


Good company

simba...if you paid any was about wall under's projections...just facts....would you like me to tell your family history ass well?

Since you don`t know me...Another Projection?

Pavo loco,just taking your family history and project it to other people`s lives...Won`t work...As much as you want to be in good company...You can`t

Have a nice weekend...




Since you don`t know me...Another Projection?

Pavo loco,just taking your family history and project it to other people`s lives...Won`t work...As much as you want to be in good company...You can`t

Have a nice weekend...

S's PavA...not pavo...and your theory about projections don't work...hope you make more money during the weekend than the past week...I mean more than "0":)


Didn't know you knew numbers.

That's a surprise.



Didn't know you knew numbers. That's a surprise.

there is lots that you don't know...


Lack of intelligence, or the non-existence preschool graduation certificate is all I need to know about you Pava.

Probably due to your mom, not mine, dropping you as dead weight while you were born, right?

- it's okay. You're not loved, that's why you seek for attention elsewhere. There's a hotline for people like you.




Lack of intelligence, or the non-existence preschool graduation certificate is all I need to know about you Pava.

Probably due to your mom, not mine, dropping you as dead weight while you were born, right?

- it's okay. You're not loved, that's why you seek for attention elsewhere. There's a hotline for people like you.


This post is a bit confusing...not because you got every fact wrong...your point is?????...where are you going with it?...what is the end result?

Pava:'s PavA...not pavo...and your theory about projections don't work...hope you make more money during the weekend than the past week...I mean more than "0":) are right...Pava Loca then ...Projections always work,including your last one




SIMBA: are right...Pava Loca then ...Projections always work,including your last one S

Drop the loco and use projections on yourself...