Trading to win... - page 4


I think trading , one right after another (transactions)

and too much hesitation

and too afraid to loss

will MAKE US LOSS easily


formula to calculate whether you trade too much

if you make daily loss

divide the daily loss, like 40 USD / # of transaction (or lot) that day

if it is ~ the same as pip spread ==> i.e. 5 to 6 pip , then you trade too much -- too many transaction

if the result is about 10 to 15 pip, then your broker trick you in that couple of seconds, that you pay more than pip spread



Projection ?

Please already doing it....

Projection mechanism at work? ...Intriguing habits you have




Projection mechanism at work? ...Intriguing habits you have S

SIMBA...when you got nothing to say...say nothing...your comments making less and less sense....



SIMBA...when you got nothing to say...say nothing...your comments making less and less sense....


For whom? ...;)...Boy,I can`t descend to your level of ignorance,as much as I try...If Einstein told you E=MC2 your reply will be the don`t understand,it is not Einstein`s fault...It is just your ignorance ...the rest of the Forum are cracking their axxxexx about you.

So,why don`t you try to improve the quality of what you read?...Let`s say...for a 12 years old,the 3 piglets is not an appropiate book..and Playboy is not yet right ,at least "officially",so,I don`t know,some Homerus or Herodotus will be fine ...even Virgil`s Eneid is ok...Yes,yes,it sounds Greek to you...actually the first 2 are ,the third one is not .

"Timeo Danaos Dona Ferentis,Equo ne credite Teucri"...Before I collapse your neuron,I will translate..."Be careful of Greeks that bring presents,Beware of the Horse..Oh Trojans"...You know,the classics would have helped the 3 piglets or Snowwhite or whatever you are studying in your "literature for retards comprehension group" ...They would have been able to avoid their fate and improve their destiny






For whom? ...;)...Boy,I can`t descend to your level of ignorance,as much as I try...If Einstein told you E=MC2 your reply will be the don`t understand,it is not Einstein`s fault...It is just your ignorance ...the rest of the Forum are cracking their axxxexx about you.

So,why don`t you try to improve the quality of what you read?...Let`s say...for a 12 years old,the 3 piglets is not an appropiate book..and Playboy is not yet right ,at least "officially",so,I don`t know,some Homerus or Herodotus will be fine ...even Virgil`s Eneid is ok...Yes,yes,it sounds Greek to you...actually the first 2 are ,the third one is not .

"Timeo Danaos Dona Ferentis,Equo ne credite Teucri"...Before I collapse your neuron,I will translate..."Be careful of Greeks that bring presents,Beware of the Horse..Oh Trojans"...You know,the classics would have helped the 3 piglets or Snowwhite or whatever you are studying in your "literature for retards comprehension group" ...They would have been able to avoid their fate and improve their destiny



you're too old to know anything about Trojans


I know if your mom told your dad to use one you wouldn't have been born. That would just save us all a lot of grief.

you're too old to know anything about Trojans


I know if your mom told your dad to use one you wouldn't have been born. That would just save us all a lot of grief.

Your Mom told your Dad that..but being as cheap as they are buying all that cheap stuff...the rubber broke...unfortunately....


I think that the difference between amateur and professional traders


amateur, just hope to overcome the pip spread and take the first taxi that they can find

while professional wait for no-return-point, they just sit there (and find a good big taxi , in the highway) -- even the traffic get stuck from time to time, most lanes are moving in 1 single direction

if they want to rejoin the LOCUST trend again, they will not just stop the traffic in the highway -- but find the origianl helicopter launching pad, to relaunch

-- sorry, this is metaphor speaking --- see how you interpret it

MAGIC of 5

-- average pip spread is about 5

-- somehow, you see the broker offer rate is flashing, so the break even rate is about 15 pip (in your intended direction) , not 2 pip as your broker's advertised

== like sprinting, there is latent period etc for you to see the trend, so if you wanna to scalp, it is like at least over 50 pip range -- for you to gain half of the trend pip profit

-- getting 50 pip , then stop for the day is quite clever, but when will be your daily SL level?? (-150 pip?? )

all the bank crocodiles are sitting at several sheild protection missile mechanism, ready to lauch for big MISSILE break-out of the day

---- after all these story telling, if you figured out HOW TO WIN, please let me know

observation -- noted today:

fxcm got its own java platform software

using standard MT4, during those 2 to 3 minute quick OUTBREAK, I enter as the down trend, near the end of the trend

even the pip spread of the software told me 5 pip

actually, after I enter, I have to wait for another 25 pip DOWN than my observed entry level, for the software to give me 0.00 profit / loss

i.e. another principle of 5 story, if you enter during quick move, normally, you lost about 5 pip, but in NEWS breakout, you lost about 25 pip

see whether you got another observation ---- I already set it to give me MARKET rate, of 1 pip when I click it, but it still give me HIDDEN worse rate of about many second later, i.e. pip spread widen WHOLE LOT , without it being shown during outbreak !!


Grief or fun

I know if your mom told your dad to use one you wouldn't have been born. That would just save us all a lot of grief.

Walander...Spared us some grief?..Man,this guy is almost as fun as the oldies...(El Cid,Es,aleccoh and his quasimodos)....Almost ..he tries harder,to no avail.



Projection again

Your Mom told your Dad that..but being as cheap as they are buying all that cheap stuff...the rubber broke...unfortunately....


Projection mechanism again???...You are a VERY slow learner

Boy,you are an open book ...Please spare us the details....just keep explaining us the general guidelines of your despicable life story,we may even cry a laugh or two