Trading to win... - page 2



C'mon. Quotation from Elder's book.

o'k..o'k:)...but the second post is valid



o'k..o'k:)...but the second post is valid

C`Mon...quotations from a deranged mind

Interesting choice of literature for a 12 years old



Is true story.

George Soros bought clock from railway station and has it in his office.



i think trading to win means having proper money management



C`Mon...quotations from a deranged mind

Interesting choice of literature for a 12 years old


S I M B A check my post in Traders joking section


good manners

S I M B A check my post in Traders joking section

....Please? ...Or didn`t the piglets teach you anything about good manners




....Please? ...Or didn`t the piglets teach you anything about good manners S

Please already doing it....


Did you come up with the "comeback?" or did that four year old girl you picked up by your nearby preschool come up with that?

I'd pick the later, since it'll probably make you look less stupid..



Did you come up with the "comeback?" or did that four year old girl you picked up by your nearby preschool come up with that? I'd pick the later, since it'll probably make you look less stupid..

How do you know about me and that 4 year old?...and why is that matters to you?...

(so 2 piglets are here to stay?)


3rd piglet

How do you know about me and that 4 year old?...and why is that matters to you?... (so 2 piglets are here to stay?)

What did you expect ?...after all the crap you posted on this forum and useless server space you took in on that short period of time you are here on this forum....that people came in here and said "Nice topic Pava....keep up the good work" ?!....

The best contribution you can make to this forum is to buy a gun and shoot yourself through the head....(make sure you have a truckload full of's gonna take some bullets to find that single brain cell).