Trading System by Xard777 - page 76


Here you are....AUDJPY




Good First Post......

Hey Xard..... Its a cool post. Tday i installed and testing. until now cool cool profits. but i saw some diverting sub are there in the post. pls start clear thread. Is there any updates? thank q for good post.


Really interesting stuff

Great thread... Brian


Thanks for the chart xard.....



Hi Xard

I must confess, i really admire your system. It looks very promising. I fell in love with the WBS v102. My profits are usually up and down, so i guess i'm not really using it as well as i'm supposed to. This may be because i don't know how to use the system well yet.

Please i'll like you to kindly let me know how to use it profitably so that i can practise enough. Thank you



hi xard,

please could you help on how to use the wbs v102? i love the way it is, but don't know how to maximize the use. Thanks a lot. Great system, thumbs up!


Here is a nice setup to kick start 2010...




Plain and simple

Thanks Xard. This setup will do.



Here you are....AUDJPY



Hi Xard,

As usual, thanks for the great efforts esp the 2010 tpl.

But this one looks like xo pnf system and not included in your 2012 .rar.

Where I can get it?



Which timeframe H1?

Here is a nice setup to kick start 2010...