Trading System by Xard777 - page 38


you see where to sell 2nd chance?

5 min charts

It's not about us, I know you got game.....=)))))

this ***** is gonna drop, nice play!!!

.8784 sell!!!!!!, nor=tice 4hr fractal!!!

no money can buy you this skill level...LOL, watch and learn precision, once I know this 2nd opportunity sell reistance holds, you are on you own....

you want to be a big

I don't care if your russian, chineese, or any other, American rock and roll rules...if yo7u know no better and give Zards thread less than a 5 star rating, I will personally kick you ass!!!!, cuz your idiots!

American Rock and Roll rules baby, I don't give a rats ass if your russina, or some squinty eyes chinnesse super gymnist, come to chicago and we'll drink beers!!! like a man!!!!

American rock n roll baby!!!!!

st. michaels!!!!

ooooh these cock suckers know what they are doing, it amazes me all the bases they try and do cover, sons of *****es!!!!

precision sucks!!!!

just playing.....hahahahaha, can you say, santana?????, carlos? oye coma va?

big dogs don't have pussy farts.....=)

5_min.gif  30 kb

rissian traders, chinesse?

what the hell do they know about rock and roll....absolutely jack man, and the best traders, awww, hell no, most americans are quiet, and have hot young girls...where you think the worlds best music originated, America/Great-Britian baby...

I'm a rock and roll American, breaking the sileance on behalf of my UK friend, so all you other worldly creatures, lictem to some Doors, jimi hendrix, Beatles, Who, Elton John!!!!

Russian right here in my white, American ass!!!!


I got your 100$ indicator right here....

All middle eastern people free advice, message me, and be blessed, and fight to keep it at bay, the NWO!!!!!

Be strong!!!!!!

I'm not a proud american, other than my music, and I am SO VERY sorry!!!!!!

don't tell me I am going to miss a 200 pip move by 10 damn pips,. I hope not, if so, I will make it up 2 U, as I have been short for seom time., but, I'm white shit for brains!!!

were a fuck_ing club here man!!!!

wild, wild, horses, could'nt drag ne away.....I watched you suffer, now you decided to show me the free, always in your hearts man kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all, even with a pending USA prison term, pending, ok???!!!!! 3-7 years!!!!!

My name is David Julseth and have won many forex trading contests, ty!!!!

If I have helped any of you, I can only wish I might continue in a "live" enviroment, so hard on a forum to do this, I might be going away from 3-7 years, American Laws,. Prison, if I have helperd any of you, u might help me to write my attorney @

Otherwise my passion, as Zards is to help us all, be blessed, I am not bad, just a victim of american Law!!!

All middle eastern people free advice, message me, and be blessed, and fight to keep it at bay, the NWO!!!!!

Be strong!!!!!!

I'm not a proud american, other than my music, and I am SO VERY sorry!!!!!!

don't tell me I am going to miss a 200 pip move by 10 damn pips,. I hope not, if so, I will make it up 2 U, as I have been short for seom time., but, I'm white shit for brains!!!

were a fuck_ing club here man!!!!

wild, wild, horses, could'nt drag ne away.....I watched you suffer, now you decided to show me the free, always in your hearts man kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you all, even with a pending USA prison term, pending, ok???!!!!!

Tell us what sort of drugs you take, it looks nice ...


hey big joe....

no blow jobs from a hot girl friend, or even text messaging, just a simple victim of an individual at a 7/11 saying ot calling poliice, I smell of booze...3rd time is the charm and penelties are harsh, no speeding, or bad driving, just a phone call. so, after 30 days here in the chicago area county jail, no picnic, I am facing 3-7 years, and good words can help me, ty, and all be blessed, and go Michelob Amber Bock, oh, dark larger by the way....

Joe, she's not going to make resistance, unless the banks are totally, fuck_ing w/us, selll is in order, 50 pip stop for 200 pips

4:1 could be way more, don't make sense what i see long tern euro, cable, so unless longer term lagging and early times dictate, easpecially the aussie, tends to lead!!!!, lets at least, intraday snag here, R/R is there high inn the 1hr/4hr/weekly murrery range!

I'm in all the way, joe!!!!!

15 min trend line, resistance, stop loss area!!!

euro seems to be co-operating, can't get a fix on the cable right now...euro poised to drop!!! aussie looking, like/coinage!!!

usd/jpy resistance here 91.41, good for aussie, american secession dropage~

gary wright, "love is alive" waaaa-hoooo!!!!!!, killer tune...=))))))

swissy/euro/yen/correlation.....changes, still confident

Hmmm, what is holding this girl up....euro droping, high in the intrday range, swissy going, up, yen, this better not throw me off!!!

swissy upside/strength!!!!


Ok, more charts for ziggy...he has had enough for one day.




it's just crazy, yen abd euro been folling suit for along time, I think it's now changing, guys, usd/jpy is at resistance, impulsive, as the aussie/euro/cable pulling back corrective...just how far, unless we are at extremes long term on the euro/cable/aussie, I am not so sure...

Taht being said, I see, and I won't bail my aussie trade, and jump on something else, but I do see resistance the usd/jpy 91.30, aussie has'nt broke resistance trendline., so lets see if thise percievied usd/jpy resistance, wakes up the aussie, drop...I can't hang, passing out, beat tired, like to be up 50 pips or more by now, guess that's what i get trading the aussie, but will risk percieved trendline, resistance, plus 10 pips stop, albeit, minus currently, I feel good about this trade, but all red eyed, watcing this girl, she's funky right now, needs to be left alone, see what it brings, keep stops tight, should pop, good downside, all indicators, suggesting, we'll see...good night!!!!


Hola Xard y amigos!

You guys are just having too much FUN! Good for you all. Get them PIPS!




Hi Xaard

Thank you very much for the files ... They are running ok now !!! Is this template applicable for all currencies or just designed for cable ?

And could not find much about the way your indicators work other than the first post would you be kind enough to kinda give me an idea about how we can optimize uyour chart the best ... Just in few words will do if you have time ofcourse ...

Thanks in advance !!!

Happy trading to all!



ziggy, we won't able to follow what you said

UNLESS you put some CHARTS here

with time stamp

and label those point in the charts like AA BB CC

then elaborate AA BB CC in the text here

it's just crazy, yen and Euro been following suit for a long time,

I think it's now changing, guys,

usd/jpy is at resistance, impulsive, as the aussie/euro/cable pulling back corrective...

just how far, unless we are at extremes long term on the euro/cable/aussie, I am not so sure...

Having said that I won't bail my aussie trade, and jump on something else, but I do see resistance the usd/jpy 91.30, aussie has'nt broke resistance trendline., so lets see if thise percievied usd/jpy resistance, wakes up the aussie, drop...I can't hang, passing out, beat tired, like to be up 50 pips or more by now, guess that's what i get trading the aussie, but will risk percieved trendline, resistance, plus 10 pips stop, albeit, minus currently, I feel good about this trade, but all red eyed, watcing this girl, she's funky right now, needs to be left alone, see what it brings, keep stops tight, should pop, good downside, all indicators, suggesting, we'll see...good night!!!!