Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1376


That was a nice little whipsaw - the simply could not resist to some good old fake move

That was a nice little whipsaw - the simply could not resist to some good old fake move

Not to blame the traders - nobody knows where will this political farce lead us and nobody knows how will it end. We are just a mere spectators of something that will determine our future and we can not do anything. Bad times ahead


With a support broken a new resistance is forming. Next few days will show if that is strong resistance or just a market consolidation

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tp6 from 5985 0pen possion!!!!!!!!!!

stop out 5920 tp 20p ()looks moving down

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(1/7/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

week no. gu---5985, 5995, 6010, 6045, 6055, 6070, eu...3532, 3522, 3540, 3582, 3594, 3600

week no. eu--3522 was signal sell------3498 tp24p(from night)(down?


It seems that we are entering ranging period. Curios to see what will the reaction to unemployment claims today be (in a lack of other data this might cause some stronger impact today)

week no. eu--3522 was signal sell------3498 tp24p(from night)(down?

later week no. 3522, 3534, , was signal buy------ ()

It seems that we are entering ranging period. Curios to see what will the reaction to unemployment claims today be (in a lack of other data this might cause some stronger impact today)

Yes, it seem that ranging period has started (although the resistance is holding so far)

We shall see in the next few days what will be "the verdict"


If it wasn't for that resistance line I would have thought that they are again playing the usual game. The resistance held so far (even with bad news for US jobless claims) and the price bounced right back from it

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more darn ranging again

ok if you like scalping, but for those that don't, more waiting

if i had to take a guess, the Euros going to the 1.32/1.31 area and GBP 1.55 area

but not until after lots more ranging