Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1372


Some ratios before the official market open

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EURUSD being right at its support line. If it breaks it anything can happen, but I don't think that it will break it.

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To early to say anything but so far I was right


Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(1/7/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

week no. gu---5985, 5995, 6010, 6045, 6055, 6070, eu...3532, 3522, 3540, 3582, 3594, 3600


That support line is still a support line and it seems that it will stay so for some time


EURUSD is in such a state that any new rumor can make it explode either way

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(1/7/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

week no. gu---5985, 5995, 6010, 6045, 6055, 6070, eu...3532, 3522, 3540, 3582, 3594, 3600

week no. 6045, 6055 ,6070,was signal buy----6095 tp1 50p, tp2 40p,tp3 25p later week no. 6070 was signal sell----

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(1/7/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

week no. gu---5985, 5995, 6010, 6045, 6055, 6070, eu...3532, 3522, 3540, 3582, 3594, 3600

week no. eu-----3582, , was signal sell-----

week no. 6045, 6055 ,6070,was signal buy----6095 tp1 50p, tp2 40p,tp3 25p later week no. 6070 was signal sell----

stop out 6060 tp10p, later wek no. 6070was signal buy------ ()

week no. eu-----3582, , was signal sell-----

stop out 3542 tp40p, later week no. 3540(+-6-9p)3546 was signal buy---- ()