Intraday trading signal - page 148


AceTraderFx Mar 16: Daily Recommendations on Major -EUR/USD


Update Time: 16 Mar 2015 01:20 GMT

EUR/USD - 1.0515

Despite euro's intra-day fall below Friday's fresh 12-year trough at 1.0462 to 1.0457 (Reuters) in New Zealand, subsequent intra-day rebound suggests choppy trading would be seen in Asia.

However, reckon 1.0566 (previous sup, now resistance) would cap upside and bearishness remains for another decline later, below 1.0457 would extend weakness to 1.0436 and then 1.0400.

On the upside, only a daily close above 1.0636 would indicate a temporary low is made and yield retracement towards 1.0684 (last Thursday's high).


AceTraderFx Mar 16: Intra-Day News and Views (USD/JPY) & data to be released today

Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views

16 Mar 2015 02:36GMT

USD/JPY - ...... Although dlr staged a rebound after retreating fm 121.57 to 121.13 in Fri's NY session, price weakened fm 121.48 (NZ high) to 121.23 in Tokyo morning today as intra-day rebound of eur/usd fm a fresh 12-year trough triggered broad-based selling in retreat in the greenback.

Looks like the near term choppy sideways trading inside established broad range of 122.03-120.65 wud continue today as investors awaits the BoJ to announce its policy decision on Tue. At present, bids are noted at 121.10-00 n then 120.80-70 with stops building below 120.60, whilst offers are placed at 121.50-60 n around 121.80 with stops located just abv last Tue's fresh near 8-year peak at 122.03.

This week will see the release of U.K. Rightmove house prices, Swiss producer price and retail sales; NY Fed manufacturing and industrial output and Net capital flows on Monday.

RBA meeting minutes, Bank of Japan policy statement and press conference; Germany's ZEW economic sentiment, eurozone inflation data and employment, U.S. housing starts and building permits, Canada's manufacturing sales and U.S. redbook on Tuesday.

New Zealand current account, Japan's import, export and trade balance, China's house prices, U.K. ILO unemployment rate, claimant count unemployment change, Bank of England MPC vote outcome, Swiss ZEW investor sentiment and Canada's wholesale trade on Wednesday.

New Zealand's GDP, Japan's Tankan, U.S. current account, Philly Fed business index on Thursday.

Germany's producer prices, eurozone current account and net investment flow, U.K. PSNCR, Canada's CPI and retail sales on Friday.


AceTraderFx Mar 17: Daily Recommendations on Major -EUR/USD


Update Time: 17 Mar 2015 01:13 GMT

EUR/USD - 1.0555

Despite euro's initial fall below Friday's fresh 12-year trough at 1.0462 to 1.0457 (Reuters) in yesterday's New Zealand, subsequent intra-day rally to 1.0620 (New York) signals recent strong downtrend has 'finally' made a temporary low there and stronger retracement towards chart objective at 1.0684 is likely before prospect of a retreat.

On the downside, only below 1.0498 (yesterday's European morning support) would indicate correction is over instead and bring subsequent weakness towards 1.0457.


AceTraderFx Mar 17: Intra-Day News and Views (USD/JPY) & data to be released today

Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views

17 Mar 2015 02:21GMT

USD/JPY- ....... Despite dlr's brief retreat to 121.10 in NY morning on Mondady, subsequent broad-based rebound in greenback lifted price in NY session and dlr climbed to 121.52 in Tokyo morning as rise in Nikkei index boosted risk appetites (N225 index was last seen at 19,405, up 0.83%).

Market's focus in Asia will be on the release of BoJ monetary policy decision (between 03:00-04:00GMT) and the press conference from governor Kuroda (a few hours later).

The Japan's central bank is expected to hold on further stimulus, despite the very soft inflation figures for January.

At present, bids are noted at 121.30-20 and then 121.10 with mixture of bids and stops emerging below 121.00.

On the upside, offers are placed at 121.65/70, 121.80/85 and then 121.90-00 with stops located just above last Tuesday's fresh 8-year peak at 122.03.

Tuesdaywill see the release of RBA meeting minutes, Bank of Japan policy statement and press conference; Germany's ZEW economic sentiment, eurozone inflation data and employment, U.S. housing starts and building permits, Canada's manufacturing sales and U.S. redbook.


AceTraderFx Mar 17: Daily Technical Outlook & Trading Ideals GBP/USD


Last Update At 17 Mar 2015 00:27GMT

Trend Daily Chart


Daily Indicators






Trend Hourly Chart


Hourly Indicators






Daily Analysis

Consolidation with mild downside bias


1.4952 - Jan 23 low (now res)

1.4902 - Hourly chart

1.4853 - Y'day's high


1.1799 - Y'day's European morning high (now sup)

1.4770 - Y'day's NY low

1.4730 - Y'day's low (NZ)

. GBP/USD - 1.4823.. Although cable opened lower to 1.4730 in tandem with eur/usd in NZ on Mon, intra-day rally lifted the pound n price ratcheted higher to 1.4799 in Europe, then later to 1.4853 in NY afternoon b4 easing.

. Let's look at bigger picture 1st, as mentioned in prev. update, the pound finally caught up with recent strg downtrend in eur/usd n penetrated Jan's low at 1.4952, then 2013 bottom at 1.4814, suggesting LT fall fm 2014 near 6-year peak at 1.17192 has once again resumed n price is now en route to 1.4582 later this week, being 61.8% proj. of MT intermediate decline fm 1.5554, however, as daily technical indicators' readings wud be in oversold territory on such move, reckon 1.4228 (2010 trough) wud hold this month n bring a much-needed correction. Therefore, selling cable in anticipation of further weakness is the way to go n only abv 1.4952 (previous low, now res) wud signal a temporary low is made.

. Today, although y'day's strg rebound to 1.4853 confirms recent downtrend has indeed formed a minor bottom at 1.4699 n 1-2 days of consolidation is seen, intra-day retreat suggests nr term downside bias remains for weakness to 1.4770, however, reckon said Mon's low at 1.4730 wud hold n yield another rebound.


AceTraderFx Mar 18: Daily Recommendations on Major -EUR/USD


Update Time: 18 Mar 2015 00:57 GMT

EUR/USD - 1.0606

Despite euro's rally from Monday's fresh 12-year trough at 1.0457 to as high as 1.0651 yesterday, subsequent intra-day retreat to 1.0584 in New York suggests 1st leg of correction has ended there and choppy trading with mild downside bias remains.

Below 1.0584 would bring weakness to 1.0551 (yesterday's low in Asia) but support at 1.0498 should remain intact.

On the upside, only above 1.0651 would yield stronger retracement of recent strong downtrend to 1.0684 but reckon resistance at 1.0717 would remain intact.


AceTraderFx Mar 18: Intra-Day News and Views (USD/JPY) & data to be released today

Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views

18 Mar 2015 02:16GMT

USD/JPY - ...... The greenback spent another lackluster day inside a narrow range of 121.57-121.10 yesterday as investors were keeping their powder dry ahead of the release of important FOMC monetary policy statements later today (18:00GMT) and Fed chief Janet Yellen's press conference 30 mins afterwards.

Dlr retreated from 121.52 to 121.11 before rebounding in NY session, climbed to 121.40 and then marginally higher to 121.41 in Australia this morning.

Dlr is expected to gyrate inside 121.10-121.50 ahead the European open. At the moment, bids are noted at 121.20-10 n then 121.00 with mixture of bids and stops emerging below 120.80.

On the upside, offers are placed at 121.50-60 and then 121.75/80 with stops located just above 121.00.

Japan Chief government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said he expects higher pay rises vs last year to spread beyond auto, electronic makers.

Wednesday will see the release of New Zealand current account, Japan's import, export and trade balance, China's house prices, U.K. ILO unemployment rate, claimant count uneployment change, Bank of England MPC vote outcome, Swiss ZEW investor sentiment and Canada's wholesale trade.


AceTraderFx Mar 18: Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views (EUR/USD)

Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views

18 Mar 2015 07:19GMT

EUR/USD - ...... The single currency met renewed selling interest at 1.0614 in Asia and then penetrated Tue's NY sup at 1.0584 ahead of European open on renewed dlr's broad-based strength, price dropped marginally to 1.0580 before recovering in part due to cross-buying in euro.

Euro zone's trade balance for Febuary will release at 10:00GMT.

Market's forecast is for the trade surplus to narrow to 15.0 bln euros from 24.3 bln euros in the preceding month.

Looks like the single currency to remain under pressure ahead of NY open due to expectation of 'hawkish' FOMC monetary policy statements later today and selling on recovery is recommended.

At present, fresh offers are noted at 1.0600-10 and then 1.0615/20 with stops emerging above 1.0650, whilst bids from various accounts are placed at 1.0560-50 and then 1.0535/30 with stops located just below 1.0530.

News from Reuters quoting from gov't spokesman, 'Greece aims to clarify Feb, 20 Eurogroup accord, will seek provision of liquidity at EU summit this week; Greek PM Tsipras will not seek funding fm Russia during meeting with Putin in Moscow.'


AceTraderFx Mar 18: Daily Technical Outlook & Trading Ideals USD/JPY


Last Update At 18 Mar 2015 00:04GMT

Trend Daily Chart


Daily Indicators






Trend Hourly Chart


Hourly Indicators






Daily Analysis

Consolidation with upside bias


122.03 - Tue's fresh near 8-year top

121.85 - 2014 Dec 08 7-1/2 year peak

121.67 - Last Thur's high


121.10 - Mon's low

120.65 - Last Thur's low (interbank)

119.90 - Mar 06 low

. USD/JPY - 121.32 ... The greenback spent another lackluster day trading inside a narrow range of 121.10-121.48 on Tue as investors were keeping their powder dry ahead of the release of important FOMC statements later Wed. Price retreated briefly fm Asian high at 121.52 to 121.12 in NY morning b4 rebounding.

. Looking at the bigger picture, although dlr's early brief rise abv 2014 high at 121.85 to a fresh near 8-year peak of 122.03 confirms an 'upside break' of the 3-month long triangle consolidation has taken place n the uptrend fm 2011 record low at 75.32 has finally resumed, subsequent retreat (this is viewed as the so-called 'return move') suggests consolidation is in store b4 said upmove resumes to 123.89, bring 50% proj. of MT intermediate rise fm 105.20-121.85 measured fm 115.57, however, 'bearish divergences' on daily indicators shud cap price below 125.86 (61.8% proj.). This week, initial upside targets are 122.35 n then 122.75, being 50% & 61.8% proj. respectively of 118.63-122.03 measured fm 120.65 (adjust this lvl if necessary) n only below 119.38 aborts bullishness.

. Today, buying dlr on dips is still favoured n only firm break of prev. sup area 120.61/65 wud risk stronger retrace. to 120.20/30 but 119.90 wud hold.


AceTraderFx Mar 19: Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views (EUR/USD)

Intra-Day Market Moving News and Views

19 Mar 2015 00:01GMT

EUR/USD - ....... Reuters reported Greece faces a liquidity problem and needs the cooperation of its European lenders to deal with a possible cash crunch, its deputy prime minister said.

Greece has been kept afloat since 2010 by EU/IMF bailouts totaling 240 bln euros and risks running out of cash in weeks amid a widening rift with its creditors.

"We haven't received any (bailout) tranches since August 2014 but we have been meeting all of our obligations," Deputy PM Yannis Dragasakis told Greek Alpha TV. "This has its limits."

Asked whether Greece risked running out of cash if it does not reach a deal with its lenders, Dragasakis said:

"Of course we have a liquidity problem, for the reason I mentioned. We have obligations which, in order for us to meet, we need the good cooperation of the European institutions."

Dragasakis ruled out early elections or a referendum should Athens's negotiations with the euro zone fail. "There are some things that we need to keep in the back of our minds ... (however) neither elections nor a referendum are on the table at the moment," he said, without elaborating on what the referendum might be on.

Earlier news on Reuters quoting comments from Greek deputy PM who says :

-Greece has a liquidity problem, we need good cooperation with EU partners to meet our obligations.

-grexit does not concern us, it is not an option for our government.

-a referendum is not on the table at the moment.

Yesterday European Council President Donald Tusk confirmed he would hold talks with the leaders of France, Germany and Greece and the heads of the European Central Bank and the euro group on Thursday to discuss the Greek debt crisis.

President Francois Hollande, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras as well as the ECB's Mario Draghi will participate in the meeting, while Jeroen Dijsselbloem will also be present, a spokesman for Tusk said.

The talks will take place on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels.