Basket Trading System (T101 system) - page 5


ThankSx100 for ur generosity

Hi master, thanks for sharing such innovative idea....

i really hope to learn and div in this idea more deeply.

But i have a doubt here after reading your thread in other forum, it mayb a dumb question. Hope u might generously guide me.

so here goes my doubt, lets say now we have 7 for buys n 7 for sells but eventually they totally cancel out each other.

Hence the total profit for these 7buys and 7sells would be just the negative of the total spread of 14 pair.

But i saw you mention in the thread that the total profit will evantually more than 100 or wat.

so my doubt is althogh these pair wil have different speed for raisin or falling, but the both group that we set up for the

IA are totally cancel out each other, so i unable to understanding why the total profit can be so far away from the total spread.

Hope master can kindly guide me through this doubt.


so here goes my doubt, lets say now we have 7 for buys n 7 for sells but eventually they totally cancel out each other.

Hence the total profit for these 7buys and 7sells would be just the negative of the total spread of 14 pair.

But i saw you mention in the thread that the total profit will evantually more than 100 or wat.

so my doubt is althogh these pair wil have different speed for raisin or falling, but the both group that we set up for the

IA are totally cancel out each other, so i unable to understanding why the total profit can be so far away from the total spread.


The system is either long all 14, or short all 14 pairs, the 7 buys and 7 sells are just used as an INDICATOR to indicate the market bias.

Tyrying thinking about it in these terms, if the 7 sells in the indicator are all showing a profit, then selling those currencies would result in a profit, if the 7 buys in the indicator are showing a loss, then doing the complete opposite and selling those pairs would have resulted in a profit, so all 14 trades could potentially show a profit

You gave an instruction on FF that after opening the IA, we should wait for at least two days for the pairs to settle down. Does it mean you open the IA trades on sunday and you wouldn't start real trading until probably tuesday or wednesday?


We have started it that way, but the system has already evolved to something more powerful now. Perhaps because of the uneasy of traders to trade, they have devised indicators that captures the ccy movement at an interval i could not have imagine in the beginning. The Orest indicator by Orest (of course) have a lot of variation now it haven recorded the every step, every ccy, every moment and they watch for any misstep and trade them accordingly and they are making profit. They dont even wait for a day to settle. Well they innovate, i suggest you visit those threads and all your other questions will be answered there. As for me, i am still using the old system ways the IA, then i wait for it to settle for at least a day, so i start trading monday, but there are days that i start Sunday trading too, if my fundamental minds dictates me too. I hope i have responded well ot your questions.


Hi master, thanks for sharing such innovative idea....

i really hope to learn and div in this idea more deeply.

But i have a doubt here after reading your thread in other forum, it mayb a dumb question. Hope u might generously guide me.

so here goes my doubt, lets say now we have 7 for buys n 7 for sells but eventually they totally cancel out each other.

Hence the total profit for these 7buys and 7sells would be just the negative of the total spread of 14 pair.

But i saw you mention in the thread that the total profit will evantually more than 100 or wat.

so my doubt is althogh these pair wil have different speed for raisin or falling, but the both group that we set up for the

IA are totally cancel out each other, so i unable to understanding why the total profit can be so far away from the total spread.

Hope master can kindly guide me through this doubt.


I will concur to Zupcon answer, obviously Zupcon have been reading a while. looks like he had a good grasp of the method.



I will concur to Zupcon answer, obviously Zupcon have been reading a while. looks like he had a good grasp of the method.


Thanks PipScorer and Zupcon for answering.

maybe i juz din state my doubt clearly. Wat i wondering goin like this

7sells(profit or lost)+7buys(profit or lose)= total,

in ur other forum thread u state that when total is not in the range of 0-100 it is a trendy market, or else is rangin. So my doubt here is this 2 group are totally cancel out each other, so

7sells(profit or lost)+7buys(profit or lose)=-spread for 14 pairs

so what is the reason tat total is others than -spread for 14 pairs??

sorry for my silliness.

Thanks PipScorer and Zupcon for answering.

maybe i juz din state my doubt clearly. Wat i wondering goin like this

7sells(profit or lost)+7buys(profit or lose)= total,

in ur other forum thread u state that when total is not in the range of 0-100 it is a trendy market, or else is rangin. So my doubt here is this 2 group are totally cancel out each other, so

7sells(profit or lost)+7buys(profit or lose)=-spread for 14 pairs

so what is the reason tat total is others than -spread for 14 pairs??

sorry for my silliness.

Because it is not a perfect hedge. Had it been then you are right. Like Buy EU and Sell Eu will always be -4 because it is a perfect hedge. Ours is not therefore like a pendulum it will swing to the negative as well as the positive in my previous records it swings to about 500 to -500, but it takes a very long time to attend the 2 extremes. if your questioned situation happend then you are ranging and you are not to trade. Had i not make swing, i just buy all the 14 and sell all the 14 then that situation will stay for an indifinite period with no swing, but it is not like that, we allow it have an exposure and that exposure or leak is monitored in a controlled environment which in return give us a good signal. You did raise a very very good technical question that most never even think about. I hope i explain it well.


That copy is by someone else trying to put into words her understanding of the system. You PM me and i will sent you the rules, not that copy, my own personal copy,


Now thats not entirely true is it, Julius? Did you think I wouldn't find out?

You liked that explanation so much you put that file in your very first post in the original thread so everyone could read it. It is written in standard English and easy for even non-native speakers to understand - unlike the way you write, which is full of circumlocution, unecessary negatives, bad grammar, ambiguous language and a punctuation style so minimal it is barely there. Then, when I wanted the same information for the IBFX pairs, you had a massive hissy fit just because I asked straight out rather than hung on your every word for the next month like I hadn''t a life - and you removed the file.

You would rather answer the same question 1000 times from new followers than answer it once and for all for a FAQ. This says a lot about your agenda. Security through obscurity, Julius..? You are more interested in building a power-base of enthralled hangers-on, than teaching. You can't have that if your method is clearly explained.

And this is pretty much the way you abused everyone who helped you. Then you took yourself and your dwindling band of followers to a thread called 'signals for simpletons' or something, and promised to give out the missing info via MSN only to the select few who met with your approval (sucked up to you enough and called you 'Master'). Well I wish them luck with that! Last time I saw you didn't even know how to add them to your contacts, and here you are again for round two.

Well not at my expense you aren't.

'trying to put into words' indeed! You are the one who tried it. I am the one who did it. You liked what I did, and to attempt to suggest now that you didn't, shows your usual level of charm, veracity and gratitude.

These are your own words, Julius, translated into plain English and heartily endorsed by yourself. Before you bother trying to deny it, or closing the thread in a huff - might I remind you I still have the message you sent me about this docurnent? I'm sure the curious will be PMing me for a screenshot, if you continue to leave them in any doubt.

An apology wouldn't go amiss.




wow, what just happend?? I didnt realize that sharing a method for free is now a liability. I promise you i will never teach you a simple method for free. My simpleton mind is having a hard time to comprehend even the post. Yeah i dont know how to use MSN too.. Well what can you expect from idiots like me.


Thanks PipScorer,

Unfortunately I don't use MT4 but VT Trader. I cannot use your IA/scripts etc. I wrote a little windows application for the indicator. Are the numbers correct? This data on 10/17 3:45PM EST.

In this picture, The SELLS are moving to the top. I'm waiting for a SELL to dislodge GBP/JPY top anchor and then go 14 short. right?

Looking forward to learning more about this great system.

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