Can somebody please give me an EA that makes profit? - page 7

I like thoose pictures as well.Were they included in your 9000 USD EA so you are sharing them in public forum?

Actually, those are the guys that programmed the ea.:D

Please Punch-a-wad its Friday your making me laugh so hard I droped my beer, your so funny. We need a tread like this an people like you to keep the moral up..........

The EA works you just dont know how to operate it. today alone I captured over 300 pips off the EURUSD, up 2740 pips for for the week. That EA is worth ever penny of the 9,000 USD. I will make you a deal, I am going to sell this EA on eBay next week for only 500 USD along with the documtation so people like you can use it. Sorry there will be no refunds after you get it..... Dam got to get me another beer!


I spit out my Pepsi the first time.

Check out the link below:

Forex Auto Pilot System (FAPS)

This individual has been posting the results of the "Forex Auto Pilot System" on his blog and the results look good so far. He tested in a demo till he found the correct settings and then went live.

I haven't tried it yet but it is worth a look.

Good luck

this FOREX AUTOPILOT is a serious loser. I tried it on a $500 account and it dropped it $120 with some orders unclosed.....I think its based on martingale .

All you had to do was ask. Here's an extremely complex piece of code. It's based on an advanced Neural Networks algorithm. I spent close to $9,000 dollars in developing it. Keeps losses small, and let's the profits run.


Don't forget to open it in Meta editor, and "compile" it. Enjoy your riches my friend, because from this day forward - you shall only feast with kings!!!

Oh, man this EA rocks made 9000 pips this week

Thanks man

Oh, man this EA rocks made 9000 pips this week Thanks man

Thats not possible bro. how did you do that? I dont think the pairs even did that many pips. look at the stock market.

Sir Pinchaloaf:
Thats not possible bro. how did you do that? I dont think the pairs even did that many pips. look at the stock market.

You have to look at the EA to see how he did it, then pinch yourself, Sir Pinchaloaf

What we are trying to say is that there is no short cuts in trading ... if you took an expert form someone and you don't know whats inside it, then it could cause you a loss not profit.

It's funny how he misses the posts that have any value (above), and only focuses on the ones that prolong the nonsense (below).

Oh, man this EA rocks made 9000 pips this week
It's funny how he misses the posts that have any value (above), and only focuses on the ones that prolong the nonsense (below).

Im focusing on the ones that talk about making money bro cause thats what I need and came to find out here. You are the one full of brutality. it would be nice if you give me the ea that makes money to try not the one that don't. I have people here to support bro.


pinchaloaf...r u for real man? or u just came here to entertain us? i'm a noob here and has just started playing with demo, the first accounts (i think around ten) got puffed away but I LEARNED FROM MY MISTAKES...

IF u r for real, the 1st thing that u need to do is change ur nick koz u r just pinching on loaf...have some optimism in u...pinch on steak, or other more expensive dine...

one thing for sure pinchaloaf, u will not go anywhere if u only eat the fish. u have to learn how to fish...and go for the biggest fish ie the blue whale when u can..and only when u can...

let me save u from humiliation...on the Mr. Marketz EA (which i found should be PROFITABLE for someone like you), try to open it with metaeditor...right click on it, open with metaeditor.exe (PLEASE try to find it), then only you will know how profitable it is and how people here make pips with it...

The last resort is, if you still want a handout, LET your grandma do forex...if she could have more profitable trade than u, u should have thought of quitting forex and just stick to your dayjob; IF u have one...