School of Pimpology - page 62



Just thought I'd post this quickly.

Here's a couple of examples of trendlines over a period of time.

Thery are still plotted on a 5m chart, but they span over 24hrs, opposed to just a few candles.

I noticed on your charts you were connecting green heikens to red heikens.

I tend to just join reds for support lines and greens fo resistance lines.

Naturally you can just plot the bottoms of 10-12 cangles on a 4hr chart. That represents 48hrs of information, but to do that on a 5m chart or a 15m chart it often doesn't stand for much unless your ma's are perfectly bunched in the correct order.

Remember to the angle of the line. The flatter, the better.

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Thanks for your recent posts pimpy, it's so informative. We can now identify our errors as we're not seeing the simplest things. Thanks for pointing these out, they are invaluable lessons.


Idea ... only 2 windows with cci ?

When to the hell, so on beautiful horse...

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Yes Larry,

The weekly CCI's are 21 and 84, not 21 & 105. My mistake, sorry.

You wanna job ??

Here's a lovely shot which demonstrates the importance of the mid range 20&50 in Bold.

One could even ignore the immediate timeframe m.a's and just play off the mid-term ones but they are there none the less, but I have made them fainter.

See too the importance of correct order m.a's I talk about a lot.

When the big red is over big blue the trend is up and when big red is under big blue the trend is down.

See the monthly CCI is now testing the 0.0 line along with the price testing the big red.

A couple of up weeks now surely !!!!!!! ????????? !!!!!!!

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What are your thoughts in a uptend buying on 21, -150 cross?

Is it not worth it or should you just always wait for the 0 cross




What are your thoughts in a uptend buying on 21, -150 cross?

Is it not worth it or should you just always wait for the 0 cross



My thoughts on that...

I have never considered it personally so never really given it much thought at all to be honest.

My initial reaction would be to say it would be suicdal.

I often play against the longer term trend.

For example, I have played the cross of the 21 on a 15m chart with the 84 being at -100. Then exited the trade somewhere round the 0.0 of the 84, but It's much much riskier.

The one thing I will say is that you can see the 0.0 on a 21 CCI as a 20ema.

Would you really want to be going long with the price UNDER the 20ema?



Thanks for clearing that up, I was scanning charts and asking myself what if.

price under 20 clicked for me I totaly understand what your saying sorry maybe I've drank too much....

Are you going to be trading today with US holiday?

Have a good Day!


Are you going to be trading today with US holiday?

Today ? naaaaaaah, I'll have a day off. Might do a bit Monday though !!!


I know my old mate 007 is fond of his Weetabix and I think he might be a very happy chappy in the forthcoming weeks.

Never traded wheat but looks quite lucrative and might add it to commodities corner.

"What do you do for a living, chap?"

"I'm a Gold trader. How 'bout you?"

"Me; Well I'm pretty big in the Wheat game!"

Doesn't quite have the same je ne sais quoi does it?

Doesn't matter to me, or Dan for that matter. If Weetabix are cheaper, based on a break of this Quasimodo neckline then everyone's a winner if this falls to $400 a packet, bunch, parcel, bag, sack, bushel, whatever it comes in.

Blimey, this stuff looks more expensive than Crude oil. How much does $800 get you exactly? I was wondering why bread had started costing me more than cigarettes

I think I'll leave it now for the day. Perhaps another glass of the good-stuff and a little Chinese slap-up supper !!!

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