School of Pimpology - page 58

FX Pimp:
Paul, lets say the Japanese started a move whilst you were still sleeping. It was a good one and subsequesntly both 21 & 84 have crossed from positive to negative.

Now under normal crcumstances you'd need to wait for the 21 cross again which could be 2 or 3 days.

What I have rather cunningly done is put this 5CCI on (15m 21CCI) so there is a chance, providing both 21 and 84 are still within the 150 levels is have a little stab at it again.

You'd wait for the 21 to retrace a little, but it won't always re-cross, sometimes it will retrace toward the 0.0 before price goes shooting off again. The 5 WILL retrace over the 0.0 and when it re-crosses, providing you are playing off the 20ema or thereabouts, you should get a run for your money with this trigger.

Let me get the template finished and I will post some charts. A picture is worth 1000 words is it not?

Try and backcheck yourself though in the meantime in order to grasp it.

You can learn something intellectually, but its when you see it from your own observations is when it really starts to click.

UPDATE. I have now completed the template and attach this picture to show what I mean.

You are trading with the trend of the bottom COLOUR CCI, You have missed the first crossover of the top one, You want to get in somewhere.

The 5 at the bottom gets you in after each little retracement.

Now, the CCI5 is very similar to the Heiken Ashi candle, but some people don't use Heiken, whilst people like myself attach a voice alert to it on a weekly or 4hr chart.

Like I have said nemerous times. It's sensitive. Not every cross is a signal, you need to study this and study it hard. You needf to weed out the good from the bad and use trendlines to guide you.

Thanks Pimp,

You are a absolute star my man and one day all this Carma will come back to you a thousand fold

If i have any more questions i will ask as i feel happy to ask knowing you do not mind



Pimpalicious - pimp for president


Say it backwards or forwards - it's still the same WOW. Thanks Pimp for the new PIMPALICIOUS strategy, needs digesting. Cor blast, you work hard.

Thanks again.


FX Pimp:
Last post of the night guys.

So exhauseted trying to get this ready for you.

I realize theres a lot of readers of the thread over in Sydney and Auckland and I just wanted to get this to everyone by [thier] morning.

It's all done and I've just been flicking through each of the timeframes from 1m to 1 week and it's the same story everywhere you turn. Practise this strategy diligently and you will not fail to make a success of it.

I truly feel this is everything complete now and by far my best work yet.

The that pleaes me most other than being able to share it with the few that have followed the the thread from the beginning is we can now cater for a larger audience and really start to delevol as a group into a multi cultural killing machine.

Your feedback would be gratly appreciated.

I'm off for a beer. Au revoir

Enjoy your beer, its richly deserved. And get the burgers from a fast food joint!




Fantastic FXP! Thanks for having a super-active brain!


You crazy Pimp! Not sure whether to kill you or kiss you!!!!

Thank you soooooo much for your crazy hard work, you mad man! You'll be sleeping like a baby tonight.

Sweet dreams precious pimpo prince.


Just grabbed 60 pips off a couple good trades on my real account. $2 a pip *60 pips = $120. Not bad for a few hours. FxPimp gave me some good advice that really paid off. Always be looking at gold and crude oil. They are crucial. Done for the night. Only trying to grab about 50 a day. Happy trading!


good job

Great job Jturns,

Pimp is life changing KEEP IT UP!!!



What's up larry? you just getting used to the last one?

This is by far and away the most uniform one so far. Use each timeframe by itself or in conjunction with another at the same time. Flick back and forth between charts and timeframes and you'll always be rewarded with a similar layout on each.

You'll love it inside a week. Hmmmmmmmmmmm kisses please !!

Thanks to everyone for the supportive emails. Great that you are picking this up so easily. Now it just got easier so keep up the hard work and it will come.

Onto today.

Gold and crude having a little difficlty with the previous highs.

Just put a horizontal at 836 and you'll see what I am talking about.

Just above that at 843 ish, theres the daily 20 too so it's not going to be easy, but I think today might be the day.

Crude needs to break 120 for a little run to 122, then a break of that level could be game on. We're above the weekly pivot for the first time really in 7 weeks so could be some 7 weeks and the daily pivot is now above the weekly too.

Try to remember the pivot as a mooving average. After a big fall you want to see price cross avoce the weekly pivot and then for the daily to cross over it with price then coming back finding support on the daily which is now above the weekly, before moving up.

Nice little trick. Study it.

Currencies- Euro by far is out muscling the Pound. Not very often we see one moving well without the other but Cable is in trouble, making hard work of getting accross the 60m 50sma.

Looks like the Asians have beat us to it once again. Knew I should not have sent out the new template so hastily !!

Swiss and Yen looking like they're having a nice run too.

I wouls be tempted to leave it all for a while, allow the retrace to the 60m 20's then reconsider my options.

Sorry to say it but nothing doing it for me at the moment.

Swissie would be my choice IF Gold and Crude find support AND if I can get in at around 1.0945-50 level. Still looking for that 100+ move south on this pair.

Updates to follow.

Great job Jturns,

Pimp is life changing KEEP IT UP!!!


Thank you. It's nice making extra money outside my job. Soon I hope this will be my job!



Cable looking desperate.

A break og this supprt could line up for a little 1-2-3

Welll done to the guys who have been roadtesting this and starting playing live. Great to see you all off to a flying start.

Keep the emails coming in

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