School of Pimpology - page 129


Poorly Pimp

FX Pimp:

Both Monkey and myself are really ill too which hasn't helped.

I'm sure he poisoned me with his cooking but I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow.

Keep up the good work.


Hope you get well soon, I hope you guys aren't sharing the mic in the live room?

Keep wrapped up (get some heating in that office), make a hot water bottle & curl up with it infront of the tv for the rest of the night

Hope to hear you (& the monkey boy) in the morning


Honest Bill:
Hey, Spitfire,

Good to see that post of mine may be of benefit. I've made a few simple little rules:



Max. 5 trades.

Stop if 3 losers in a row.

PATIENCE - No jumping in

Reference your trading times, you may want to state what time zone your refering to.



As a trader of 11 years, I think this is the best manually traded forex system I have ever came across. I have sent several people this system and they also like it very much.

Pimp, I appreciate the time and effort that you and everyone else that has contributed to this system and wish everyone many pips.



Than everyone for all your kind words of support.

Fortunately I was in the office with no Dan yesterday so he's caught nothing from me.

He's back in the hotseat today and has quarantined me at home with hot honey, lemon and ginger, and some nice peppermint tea.

It's obsurd to think that I never get sick back home in the UK but since moving here to a warmer climate I've felt myself knocking on heavens door a few times.

Of course back home we have carpets and central heating and insulated walls, but not here so 10 degrees outdoors is also 10 degrees indoors.

Oh, and silly balls here, didn't think to bring any jumpers.

So, with just the laptop, I am not a lot of good to anyone but the chat.

I'll just about manage to keep an eye on Swissie and Miss Yen, the latter looking likely to go not very far and the former looking quite interesting IF she can hold above the 1.2000.

Funnily enough I just heard a guy on Bloomberg talking about USDJPY and saying that we could be headed back to the summer's highs very very soon.

Probably the same guy who saw Crude at $200 and Gold at $1800 !!

Will have a little snooze and try my best to get something up for the U.S session.

Welcome to the thread George. So glad you like the strategy. Please feel free to ask questions. Myself or one of the old school followers will be glad to help you.

Have a good morning, and thanks once again for your support.


Honest Bill & Bloom,

Thanks for your open and frank posts - it gives hope to the rest of us newbies that even our more experienced trading friends get it wrong sometimes, and exactly the same way I do! From this week on, any 'naughty' trades such as jumping in, or countertrend , or not waiting for a proper trigger, and I'll be red-carding myself for the rest of the session. Likewise once I've made the target. Once again I managed to nearly double a small practice (not demo) account within 3 days taking proper pukka trades - triggers, partial profit taking, the works - only to chuck it all back and a little more with some naughty trades. No more!

Looking forward to a good week, keep up the good work!


Hey, Spitfire,

Good to see that post of mine may be of benefit. I've made a few simple little rules:


6:30am-11am London Time

Max. 5 trades.

Stop if 3 losers in a row.

PATIENCE - No jumping in

Reference your trading times, you may want to state what time zone your refering to. Thanks

Thanks, George.

Since we trade the London open, times are UK.

I forgot about our multinational community.


Watch for break

If this USDJPY goes through the support with Dow Jones falling there may be opportunity for a few pips here.

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Good Morning

Good morning all.

A little bit of conflict in the camp this morning.

We've seen USDJPY following Dow Jones lately and the former also moving with cable and euro, so today looks a bit confusing with USDJPY looking quite good to the upside and cable looking good to the downside.

IF and when these two start to move in the same direction then yes, I will be looking for a play but as we speak I wont be looking for anything.

Cable below 14935 might give us a little run and USDJPY below 9650 but euro and swissie are a mess so nothing doing there.

Also IF cable and USDJPY do start to fall then I will be having a look below 14420.

Have a good morning.



Also IF cable and USDJPY do start to fall then I will be having a look below 14420.



Yeah great effort Pimp, as that particular pair is now trading as low as 14200, but which pair is it?

Actually it was GBPJPY is was referring to. Sorry about that.

Glad some of you spotted it !!!


Good Morning

Good Morning all

Well well,the Asian overnight session has really hit these Yen pairs over the last few hours along with EURUSD, whilst cable, the weakest of the pack of late has been quite resilient.

Yes I do believe it has the capacity to move lower, but also I am thinking if it was going to go with the rest it would have done so.

There isn't really a lot other than the potential of a short cable if it breaks the 1.4900, so I would be a bit cautious early doors.