School of Pimpology - page 132


Tanning Salon

Dear Pipsters;

I had a relatively quiet morning taking only two trades; dow short 8378 - 8331 (+47) would have had some more but missed the low taking my lads to school. My second trade was a negative and was Brent crude; I waited patiently for a break of 5200 and got in 5197 and knew we'd see a little retracement, had my s/l at last high around 5245 level. Guess what, my little ol' spread company did the nasty and spiked me out, on ODL same price action, but no spike; pah and fooey. Don't you hate it when that happens. Even more annoying it went down to around 5160 level 3 candles later!!

Better news though I traded Dow at the NY open; well you just had to. What a set up. I managed a very respectable 137 pips 8360 - 8497 (note the entry was the previous support and resistance level). A nice way to close the day. My s/l was at 8340 so only 20 pips risk.

I rearranged my trading station this evening and with two large monitors within 50cms I can feel the heat and my face is developing a nice rosey glow (some might say its the red wine - and they'd be right too).

Good night pipsters - in my hand this evening is a free wine courtesy of BMI frequent flyers points.......Cheers Its red, its wet and its got alcohol, and they are its good points!!

Suntan Rockie


Possible set-up


Never traded this pair before but look at the set-up. It looks pretty good to the upside.

Not a lot doing elsewhere. My EURGBP short of this morning went down 35 then up 35 then.............

Still holding it but not exciting me at all.

Pick of a bad bunch this afternoon is the , where I have a stop just below the weekly pivot 30 pips away.

Not entirely sure about targets but 0.6680, 120 points away might be the one for me.

Thanks Honest Bill for the photo. Looks great!!

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Just to let you know guys and girls, just to vary and to prevent me from repeating myself I am going to reschedule postings.

5AM - YouTube

1PM - Here

8PM - Facebook Group

The video on Youtube today is a short EURGBP. You can see it here

The facebook group will be here

FX Pimp:

......Thanks Honest Bill for the photo. Looks great!!

You're Welcome, Mr. Pimp.

I knew you wouldn't be offended, stealing your pic from Facebook, then emailing this to you.

But, then you go and put it on the thread. Just shows what a great sense of humour you have.

I hope the guy on the rightis not offended though!!

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Also looks cheeky

EURUSD has had a monster run. Let's see if she can fall back to the 4hr 20ema at 12830

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Aloha Pimp

Thank you for your picture.


Correlation Indicator

I am a newbie and going through the thread.. Are we currently using the Correlation Indicator...

I am a newbie and going through the thread.. Are we currently using the Correlation Indicator...


No we're not but I can try get one made, maybe correlating GBPUSD, EURUSD, GOLD & WALL STREET. Might be good.

Let me see what I can do.


Yeah baby

3 little trades, 3 little winners.

EURGBP fell 100 from my entry (youtube), EURUSD fell 80 and NZDCHF moved up 90.

Not bad Pimpin !

More later on Facebook group

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Hello there,

I know I'm not that present these days, but I try to follow up. Anyway, I'm still using this strategy on my side, with fairly good results so far. One thing, I don't know who developped the FX_Visual_Pimp, which version I own is 1.9, but I would love to see some improvments on it, such as :

- the ability to remove TFs we don't use (like I don't care about Monthly, taking it off would spare CPU, I guess)

- and more important, to add/remove pairs, indexes, whatever we'd like to work on. I personaly also use the correlation between DAX and the Yen, for example.

Is that feasable? Could you be so kind as to redirect me to the person in charge, please?