School of Pimpology - page 130


Set Up

Hey guys,

Thought I'd post this lovely set-up on Euro.

If it breaks this 12490 level its going doooooooowwwwwwwwwwwn !!

stuff_1.gif  50 kb

Good Morning

Euro flew 75 pips down from entry and then stopped and reversed so still holding but really might be an expensive one if it carries on. I am alsmost tempted to take a 30 pip hit and move on.

Nothing standing out as of yet. One never knows how far these retracements will go before stopping so lets allow them to continue then carry on looking for plays WITH the trend (did i say that)

Will keep you informed and I'm about to start posting a 'play of the day' video on youtube each day too which should be fun.

Have a good morning.


Keeping it tight

Honest Bill:
Hi all,

So here it is. The statistical results of the last 4 weeks trading (live) for me.

In summary, I took 90 trades. 50% more than I needed to or should have. That's a lot of wasted time, spreads and pips. Not to mention printer paper and ink wasted.

Now, I know hindsight is great. However, I basically looked at the chart printouts and asked myself "would I trade these now?"

The results are a major shock.

Now, I know, Pimp, Gorilla and a few others thought I was doing so well. Well, they weren't necessarily hearing about all the bad trades.

So, why am I telling you all this. Well, I am Honest Bill, aren't I ???

Take a look below. I took 58 PROPERtrades and only 5 lost. That's a 95% success rate. If I had just had the discipline not to jump into the BADones. They killed all the success.

I urge all the readers here to do this kind of exercise every so often in order to learn from it.

WATCH THIS SPACE.....................

Another week gone by. I have kept it very tight this week having done this analysis. Thanks for all the private messages about how this has helped you all.

No pips made this week at all by me . I did make some small losses. But, I don't mind that. Gotta take some risk to get reward.

It has been a very difficult week for all. Hardest week I've seen since this thread started. In fact, with Dow leading the way, I am focussing on indices more now.






BiG Thank You

Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the guys and girls who have supported the thread from its inception just a few short months ago.


I must be doing something right and hope that we can continue to build the community.

Sure I get sad sometimes when I feel like I am writing to myself but since the chat opened most have been asking questions in there.

Well I have some rather interesting news for you all.

From Monday I will be posting each and every day a video on youtube entitled Pimpalicious play of the day.

I am a bit torn about which time to post as I want to cater for as many as I can but my initial feeling is that 5am UK time might be a good option.

that would be 6am in Europe, Midnight on the East-side, 6 or 7 or something in the evening on the west coast and early evening in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

My page can be found here and I will strive to find a nice set-up from a 60m chart covering 20 currency pairs which are as follows.


I should be able to find something there for a few pips each day I hope and please ask any questions regarding the vids here.

It's Pimpaliciously pink so you you'll see it no problem.

I will try to get a couple of intro vids on over the weekend for the newbies as theres a couple of additions to the template used over there

I would dearly love everybody's support.

Pips n Peace to all of you.

Have a great weekend.


wow what can i say, you are just a giver and i really hope you the best

I have been in with you since the start ( i am PaulB in the live room by the way)

and i must say it has been brilliant and i have learned so musch in the short time i have been with the zoo

look forward to seeing the post on there and we want you in your purple spandex please with pink headband - oooh on second thoughts i dont mind but then we would have to have a PG rating and a few new members might start dreaming off you - oh again thats already happened, so thats it then, its purple spandex and pink headband

one final thought, how about red underpants over the purple spandex, noew imagine that, dont dont dont

love ya all loads and have a cracking weekend guys

Paul B

I am a bit torn about which time to post as I want to cater for as many as I can but my initial feeling is that 5am UK time might be a good option.

that would be 6am in Europe, Midnight on the East-side, 6 or 7 or something in the evening on the west coast and early evening in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

My page can be found here and I will strive to find a nice set-up from a 60m chart covering 20 currency pairs which are as follows.


I should be able to find something there for a few pips each day I hope and please ask any questions regarding the vids here.

It's Pimpaliciously pink so you you'll see it no problem.

I will try to get a couple of intro vids on over the weekend for the newbies as theres a couple of additions to the template used over there

I would dearly love everybody's support.

Pips n Peace to all of you.

Have a great weekend.



You truly are dedicated to the masses. Looking forward to some bleary eyed youtube viewing.

I've had a bit of a wobble this week. Admittedly it has been difficult trading conditions for all. I've just reviewed my trades and really I should be popping the champagne again this weekend but it'll be the Strongbow instead.

This is the story of my week;

I have cut so many trades early to see them go in my favour.

Then I get annoyed and bang a big risk on an anti-strat play, which inevitable loses.

With confidence gone, I watch a perfect setup develop but I can't pull the trigger (currently watching FTSE move 130 pips, what a 5 min chart that is).

I was very disheartened yesterday. I even kicked the coffee table over. But having reviewed my trades the mistakes are obvious. I just need to keep my risk for the good setups. Let the damn thing hit the stop loss occasionally, cause generally they'll run in your favour.

Keep risk for good setups



Pink Pimp

Dearest Le Pimp,

Love the colour on your new YouTube format. Thank you from the bottom of my pip tin for all your help and support. Feel the love Pimp, feel the love!!

One thing - and this is to all you peeps out there; get some Dame Edna glasses, preferably of the same colour as Pimps site, to properly feel the mood. Otherwise you may miss something hidden in the display!!

Have a great weekend Pimp - looking forward to the new show.

Thank you.......

Tubing Rockie



Oy you over there - get a grip of yourself....otherwise FarmerBob will have to deliver judgement, and you know what that have been warned.

nuff said.....

Black Spot Rockie