Suggestion to forum admins - page 56


Hi FerruFx,

We do not know because as I know - moderators are always editing commercial signature. And I edited.

But I did not edit your signature.

As to the rules ... as you know - the forum was changed by webdesign and more and more since the date we estimated the rules, so ... everything was changed since this date ...

Let's wait for the decision about "members will have internal links only in signature".

Because I personally agree with this decision that majority of the members can have internal links only in signature.

As I know - the other moderators agree too so let's see how it will be implemented practically for example.


internal links are the links to tsd threads/posts

(just for information).

Means: someone can promote his thread on tsd in signature instead of promoting his external website.

By the way - we had this rule from very very beginning ... but after that - we decided to allow external signature links to most forum supporters, to seniour members ... and finally - we came to the situation which was described in one anti-utopia book:

"everyone is having same rights but some people are having more rights than others"


Ok. That's fine.

Thank you for your time. Very much appreciated.


By the way - we had this rule from very very beginning ... but after that - we decided to allow external signature links to most forum supporters, to seniour members ... and finally - we came to the situation when was described in one anti-utopia book:

"everyone is having same rights but some people are having more rights than others"

Because this idea about main forum supporters worked for the many years - means: if some member is supporting the forum by good thread(s)/coding/discussion so this member will have 'more rights than others' incl free elite section access and his own section on the forum etc. As you know - few forum sections were developed on this way by the members.

This idea worked for the long time ... but something was changed with it ... forum was changed ... and so on; besides some members (having "more rights ...") stopped supporting ... and the situation was stucked with it.

I think - it will be next cycle:

- unification of the rules;

and after that

- identify main forum supporters (the members of the forum) to provide more rights to them.


Well understood.


Suddenly I had a missed up signature I never ever used ,I removed it but I also noticed many users have missed signature

Someone is having fun with the forum settings


Hi FerruFx,

The normal rule for signature is the following:

- it should be in no more than in 3 lines (it should be in 3 lines, no more);

- non-agressive color and non-bold font;

- non-commercial if it is related to simple (non-seniour) members.

I mean: if the member supported this forum a lot so he can make commercial signature.

- non-trolling signature.

Example of trolling.

Post body:

"Thank you"


" xxxxx



So, it is rule in general.

You supported this forum so you are allowed to have commertial signature.

As to editing signature so moderators (incl myself) are doing it with no notification of the members (hopping that they are informed about this rule).

About your signature - it is simple signature in 1 line. It may be the problem of removing hyperlink ... but hyperlink is placed automatically/mechanically by forum software so ... no idea ... i did not edit your signature sorry.

Below is my signature in 3 lines (as I was/am supporting this forum) - as an example.


Hi MiniMe,

The rule (let's say - the previous rule) for signature was the following:

- it should be in no more than in 3 lines (it should be in 3 lines, no more);

- non-agressive color, non-bold font and with normal size;

- non-commercial if it is related to the members who did not support the forum a lot.

I mean: if the member supported this forum a lot so he can make commercial signature.

- non-trolling signature.

Example of trolling.

Post body:

"Thank you"


" xxxxx




The situation is changed now so the new possible rule is going on to be implemented for signature:

- it should be in no more than in 3 lines (it should be in 3 lines, no more);

- non-agressive color, non-bold font and with normal size;

- forum tsd internal links only (means: no any external link; internal links only should be in signature such as tsd forum threads/posts links).

- non-trolling.

Case with "internal links only" may be easy implemented as ... in case of commercial tsd threads - the members are placing external links on tsd commercial/evaluated tsd thread, right? so this commercial thread can be promoted by signature instead of direct promoting of external links for example.


And all this situation is related to the main forum supporters. You know that we had more than 20 members who supported this forum created good popular threads with systems, made free coding and acted as engine for the forum development content. And they were well-known guys, and their such as "more rights" were publicly discussed on the forum, and everybody knew the following:

- if the member is supporting the forum a lot for free so he can have his own section on the forum, he can make commercial activity without evaluation, and he can have free elite sections access.

The situation was changed for now ... if I count so ... we have 2 or 3 supporters only for now ...

So, we should "back to the future" with this situation.


So, situation with the signatures is connected with situation with main forum supporters.

I think - we should wait for at least few days or 2 weeks to understand the situation in general (to know "what it is come from" instead of our recent "it is what it is" for example ), and after that - I will try make the announcements about those (or any other) new rules for signature and supporters.


As to moderators and the forum settings so as I know - no any moderator/admin is happy to edit any forum settings or any signature ... so ... if new rules will be implemented so this situation will be totally fixed.



Hi guys,

This is not related to FerruFX and signatures issue or any.

Different issue ...

I am Newdigital.

Yes, really. My username was blocked ....

I spent good part of my life since 2005

for this forum and for you guys,

and it was really great time for me.

I am writing it to say Goodbuy.

It is very difficult for me to say Goodbuy to all of you guys

so I can not put my feeling into words now.

I remember all of you - I remember when I banned you,

I remember when I told 'thanks' to you.

I will remember you of all.

So, Goodbuy.

See you in next (forex) life.

... ... aka Newdigital


PS. Mladen and Linuxser - my friends - please do not delete this message for at least few hours ...


Goodbye ... not Gooduy ...

it does not matter ...

anyway - it will be deleted ...

Mladen, MrTools and Linuxser, my friends - please - do not delete this message for at least half a day, ok?



All the best
