Suggestion to forum admins - page 53

Hi jayjonbeach,

I have Google Chrome access all the time.

You can delete cookies and all temporary files in chrome - it may help.

Anyway - I will report it to the forum developers for their checking anf fixing.

Thanks for reporting.

Hi New Digital. Well this would be strange if you can access it, and I can not with same Browser, not sure what to think.

I just tried clearing cache etc and no go. Did a google search for Forex TSD, clicked on search result and I get this

Method Not Implemented

GET to / not supported.

Same thing as the last week. No other issues with Chrome, only TSD site

Edit - Just tried another computer, and I have access, so something is up with Chrome and TSD on my laptop, very strange

Edit 2 - When I deleted cache I only did it with the default (one week) and forgot it chooses this. I went back 4 weeks, and voila now it works! So the "Cookie Monster" must have visited my "jar" and messed something up. Thanks for your suggestion it worked


If it is on your laptop only so reinstal chrome.

or ... may be - you installed some add-on for chrome which is preventing access?


AbsoluteStrength indicator

Hi newdigital,

Where can I find the explanation of AbsoluteStrength indicator?

I mean how to trade with thisindicator



Hi stanley18,

This indicator is a part of 'Well working Trading System' - see screenshot about original system from elite section:

It is some global trading (and some term as 'Well working Trading System') with many EAs and indicators: Range_v2 indicator; TrendEnvelopes indicator many versions; TrendRSI indicator; MAofHA_v1; AddSignal_v1 (seems good one); EAs - TrendEnvelopeExpert EA, TrendStrengthExpert_v2 EA incl trading manually and explanation, TrendEnvelopeExpert_v2.2 EA incl trading manually and explanation, and more.

For example, Electra Absolute is using this indicator as a filter ('Absolute' means AbsoluteStrength indicator, not vodka Absolute sorry).

There are many manual system based on this indicator because this indicator is doing good job for market condition evaluation:


To make it shorter ...

Explanation is on those public pages:

- market condition evaluation (incl choppy zones) and prediction using MTF_AbsoluteStrength_v1 indicator: original thread with indicators, live trading results and images; how to use indicator (rules): read all the pages starting from this page till this one.


Thank you so much for your comprehensive explanation

Just to avoid confusing and to remind the rules about evaluation section:

1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.

2. No any first-post link or email address of the vendor should be placed on evaluation thread. All the discussion/talking etc should be inside tsd evaluation thread.

3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information to tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.

4. The vendor is accepted to sell his product in normal commercial thread based on positive comments on evaluation thread.

If the vendor do not agree personally about anything concerning to his recent/future commercial activity on TSD related to moderators and forum admins - he can ask/post an opinion etc using those 2 threads:




Please remember - the members can critisize moderators/admins of the forum without being affraid to be banned for that.

Just to remind:

1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.

and most important thing is the following:

3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information to tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.

Please, follow those rules.

Just to avoid confusing and to remind the rules about evaluation section:

1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.

2. No any first-post link or email address of the vendor should be placed on evaluation thread. All the discussion/talking etc should be inside tsd evaluation thread.

3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information to tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.

4. The vendor is accepted to sell his product in normal commercial thread based on positive comments on evaluation thread.

If the vendor do not agree personally about anything concerning to his recent/future commercial activity on TSD related to moderators and forum admins - he can ask/post an opinion etc using those 2 threads:




Please remember - the members can critisize moderators/admins of the forum without being affraid to be banned for that.

Just to remind:

1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.

and most important thing is the following:

3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information to tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.

Please, follow those rules.


If someone wants to learn so ... it may be good to start

- from this thread (to read):


- with this thread to ask any question.


Just a suggestion to the people/companies who are placing their analytics on this section:

Analytics (many of them).

Please note we are promoting your posts on many social networks (for example - I am doing it on my private social networks).

So, please, make your posts according to the date. I mean: do not place analytics for yesterday.

Just a suggestion (related to some brokers).


And some suggestions.

In our forum - the members can express the disagreement with moderator/admin in any way by any words without being banned for that.


1. It is my personal rule (the other admins may not use this rule in their life or on this forum);

2. Use proper thread for that.


- for any complaints about moderation/administration etc ("where is my post", about 'not proper moderation', and so on) - use this thread:

(1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion started).

- for report about bad case with broker:

(same - 1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion, without taking the vengeance).

- bad case with commercial

(same: 1 or 2 posts per case/service/person).

If we need more threads about "bad case reporting" so just ask - I will create more.

But if the member will attack moderator in inadmissible/inappropriate threads/places so this member will be banned for spam.

Please, use proper thread for any suggestions or complaints or any 'bad cases' reporting.