Currency Heat-map EA - page 6

hello my friend

thanks for quick answer and indicators...

so i studied now this.....

template:fx dashboard

I put the dashboard on and scrolled back to the 3 oct 2008 like on the picture i send you....but the history of the indicator on 5 minute chart shows not so far back so i couldnt compare your setting to the one on the foto....

but ok lets the deshboard shows only the strength of each currency...

i put on the five minute chart right?Yes .

how you measure the strength of each currency? is this indicator(rsi/adx??)

This tool is based on RSI and also on specific currency basket and specific weights assigned to each pair

ok so lets say we see the same as on the foto.....

strength of usd strength of eur strength of jpy on all this timeframes....great

i think on the foto he has reversed the eur signal because he trade when all show the same direction......

this is not the case in your index indicators....if usd show green it shows strong usd

if eur shows weak it shows weak euro..................right or? Correct for the dashboard , yes.

but this would be no problem if we want to have both green i only have to invert fase to true in the index indicator right? correct BUT you dont want to do that and get confused. You have the template a-pair-fxindex for that purpose.

ok so we would have the first two rows like in the picture....

we can see the strength of each currency on different timeframes..


ok on this template we see seperate the second pair on top

example eur/usd

we see usd................but this usd is not the same like in the dashboard right? Not quite right, it is the same calculation only with collors sliped automatically, which also adjust itself if you change the pair of the chart, basically, you dont have to move a finger, only apply the template and trade whenever you want. If you cahnge the pair of the chart, ej: from usdchf to usdjpy, the template adjust everything for you.

its usd compared to all other currencies (EUR,JPY,GBP,chf,cad..) right or? yes, just like the dashboard. only the colors are changed, depending on the pair you want to trade on the chart.

then we see base currency

in our case EUR (again not the strength of the currency its compared to JPY,GBP,chf,cad)not correct, as before, it is the same calculation as in the dashboard, only the color is fliped depending of what are you trading, eur is always first so it doesnt matter.

and then we see total of it in the last row......

if you now look at the picture i sent you see mutimap(EUR/USD) all timeframes...

So question: is your total strength (the last row in

A-PAIR-FX-INDEX" TEMPLATE) the same as this mutimap(rur/usd) on the picture from tg software?Basically yes, but not quite, Tg uses a different basket of currencies and applies the same weights to all of them, mine does not. I will provide that info later so you understand the main calculation.Its all based on "Trade Weighted Index"

we dont know or? Yes we know. as explained above

because i think the mutimap of tg is the same like your total strength of for instance EUR/ least as i understand it..


as i understand it we have with the dashboard template the first two rows on the picture

and with the total strength (apairfxtemplate) we have the last row of the picture......

please correct me ?Thats correct

i hope i dont get lost in this post

tanks for your awsome work

your wellcome, also as i stated on previous pages, you need to use this tools on or anyother broker who offers eursek gbpsek pairs as they are used for calculation of eur and gbp index.

regards lodol




thanks for detail explanation

help a lot.....

i look now forwared to see some charts and explanation how you trade this

good day to you



ps: i put onother picture from fxh




if you have time to explain im happy to hear and see how you trade the heatmap with the levelsensor............?


regards lodol



we seem to be looking at the same stuff most of the time. you have a keen eye.


I set this up for EURJPY one minute, I will have to see once the market opens as to how it performs



hi Blaiserboy

can you post indicators and template or show bigger picture

picture is to small




as soon as I clean it up I will post it

There is a lot of indicators in there that are not needed.




kenny rogers

incredible name............

yes i realized this quite often............. meet the same people again and again...which have something in common....the same way to go....and sometimes to share.....its all a big mirroring....nicht wahr nicht.........thanks for comment

regards lodol


here is a list as to what is on the chart

I have to figure out what is needed and not needed, then the template...



hi thanks for work

looks like a indicator party.............