The Only Pivot - page 157


ok, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on the trades.


I was stopped out of the short trade for -150 pips. We should get a buy signal shortly.


We have a short signal today. I am short @ 211.91 TimeFreedom

We have a buy signal and I am in long @ 212.74


I was stopped out of the short trade for -150 pips. We should get a buy signal shortly. TimeFreedom


Hi TimeFreedom,

Today, on my chart theonlypivot_signal_sun for Short and Long does not appear, is it something wrong? The last signal was from yesterday to take long, that's why I still take long this morning.

Today, Is it appear on your chart automatically?

Best Regards,



BT signals = buy trend,

OnlyPivot = Up Trend

Good signals buy today

gajah.jpg  63 kb

Your using a broker with GMT+1 time zone, which would have you still long from yesterday. Nothing is wrong with your setup. The difference is your using a broker with a different time zone than mine. You actually got a better signal than I did, but some days I will get better signals.

I will code the indicator TheOnlyPivot_Signal_Sun to give you the option to use different time zones that way you can get the same signals I get with your broker. I will work on it over the weekend.


Hi TimeFreedom,

Today, on my chart theonlypivot_signal_sun for Short and Long does not appear, is it something wrong? The last signal was from yesterday to take long, that's why I still take long this morning.

Today, Is it appear on your chart automatically?

Best Regards,



Looks like your setup is doing well for you. Can you give is a recap on your win/loss for the week using BT and TOP?


BT signals = buy trend,

OnlyPivot = Up Trend

Good signals buy today


Thanks a lot TimeFreedom,




I was stopped out of the long for +150 pips.

Note: I used three lots 0.30 instead of my usual two for this setup. IMO whenever I get stopped out of my first trade my chances of making +50 pips on the next signal is high. Here is my MM for the three lots:

I close one (0.10) mini lot at +50 pips and move the SL on the remaining two (0.20) lots to BE+1 pip. I close one more (0.10) mini lot at +100 pips and move the SL on the last (0.10) lot to BE+50. I close the last lot at +150 pips. The max SL is -75 pips. You are risking 225 pips to make 300 pips. The risk to reward ratio is 1:1.33. Enclosed you will find the presets I used for the three lot MM.


We have a buy signal and I am in long @ 212.74 TimeFreedom


Hallo Core,

I think you use additional ADX indicator on your chart,

It's interesting for me, could you let me know how to setup this

or files to be downloaded?

Thanks & Regards,
