How wealthy you are? - page 2

If you are that desperate for cash, better use HYIPs (high yield investment programmes) - you can find some that gives +100% in a week (is there enough ferraris and tropical islands for all of us? )

No, if you are that desperate for cash you better not use HYIPs such as those found on the takgold forum or the moneymaker forum. 99.9% of these HYIPs are scams and you will invariable not end up with any returns at all!



Mis B. Havin':
sounds like your promotting a MLM scam

SFI is legit's real internet business with real money


Forex Indicators Collection


long YEN @ 118.56 & 118.31....Closed @ 119.00 Prtf booked

short GBP @ 0022...................Closed @ 19990 Prfts Bokked

short AUS @ 8333

short EUR @ 3588

long CHF @ 2018 & 2030

short GBP @ 20000

I dont like multi level Marketing.

I'd rather stay here and trade 24/ iif HYIP's are not good...which method is the best for making qiuck cash....and what is SFI...?


Get a J.O.B. and learn how to trade when not working. It shouldn't take more than 2-3 years to become a decent trader. Long time if you are impatient like me but hang in there and you will make it.

Have faith and study hard.

The economy is not good....hard to get a J.O.B.

I dont use stps as I hhedge most of the time.....I need help to make money as quick as possiblle...I'm under pressure.

Then Forex is the WRONG place for you to be IMO. That kind of pressure while trading will surely equal losses. I would never trade $ that I couldn't afford to lose. Where do you live that it's hard to find work?

Then Forex is the WRONG place for you to be IMO. That kind of pressure while trading will surely equal losses. I would never trade $ that I couldn't afford to lose. Where do you live that it's hard to find work?

GBP short @ 20000 closed @ 9971 ...............Prfts booked

Thanx for the advice TraderGeek id certainly be carefull.

Get a J.O.B. and learn how to trade when not working. It shouldn't take more than 2-3 years to become a decent trader. Long time if you are impatient like me but hang in there and you will make it. Have faith and study hard.

The economy is not good....hard to get a J.O.B.

short AUS @ 8333.....................Open prfts

shor EUR @ 3588.......................Open prfts

long CHF @ 2018 & 2030.............aim @ 2150

short GBP @ 20000.....................Open prfts..............................Closed @ 9971 Prfts booked

long Geppy @ 236.86..................aim @ 238.17

I dont use stps as I hhedge most of the time.....I need help to make money as quick as possiblle...I'm under pressure.

Added GBP long @ 236.59.............aim @ 238.00

long YEN @ 118.31.......................Open prfts


N2.....what did you do....i cant access the chart room....I've tried several times.



GBP short prfts


short AUS @ 8333.....................Open prfts

shor EUR @ 3588.......................Open prfts

long CHF @ 2018 & 2030.............aim @ 2150

short GBP @ 20000.....................Open prfts..............................Closed @ 9971 Prfts booked

long Geppy @ 236.86..................aim @ 238.17

Added GBP/JPY long @ 236.59.............aim @ 238.00........................Closed Prfts booked

long YEN @ 118.31.......................Open prfts

GBP short @ 9980........................Open prfts

Breeze......seems like were all in the same boat.....loosing some and winning some.....this is not as easy as I thought....